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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:49 am 
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I.... could.... just.... DIE!

As soon as the first three got out, I turned to my friend and said "OOOOOOOOH NOOOOOO! It's April... she's going to win it... as if she is the only one left in there!" and of course she did.

It hurt even more by the fact that she was going to write 85, making it a tie again, but changed her answer to an illegable 100. Janelle always comes so close.

I think she'll put up Howie and James. Because there is no way she can backdoor James in (Howie or Janelle will chose him to play). If she got rid of Ivette (she COULD! James could convince her since he's manipulative, and she hates Ivette, and Ivette and Beau are the last pair) that would be awesome.

Ivette's message to Rachel was so stupid. Just wow. Way to be a hypocrite. My friends and I discussed (as I told them about how Marcellas couldn't ask certain questions to Jen on HouseCalls because they aren't allowed to let them know how the public views them) about if they have any idea that they are viewed as stupid.

It was sad when we saw more of the Howie/Rachel relationship. Those guys are such friends. On Wikipedia, it lists everyone and their partner, and they are the only two that are "Best Friends". It's so true.

It's looking bad for Janelle and James. I wanted them to make it to the final two. But if they get rid of James, Janelle and Howie will have to win back-to-back-to-back HoH's to make it to the final 2. And if it's not 2 non-Sheeps in the final 2, the Sheeps will take the prize home. And that would just be disgusting to see.

I'd still watch, but just knowing that one of them was going to win would make the show totally un-enjoyable to me.


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:51 am 
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Ugh, I wanted Janelle to win. April is such an idiot, why oh why didn't I put her on my Fantasy League? God! I swear, she better backdoor James because I would hate that little weasel winning this game!


You can vote online for the America's Choice everyone! Vote for Janelle! ... poll.shtml

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:55 am 
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Actually I'd rather have Howie win America's Choice. Because if Janelle wins all she is going to do is talk to...Michael and how exciting is that going to be. On the other hand Howie is actually going to talk to family members and such, so it's kinda better the way I see it.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:31 am 
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I actually like the way James is playing the game now.
If I had known he was planning on being this weasel of a player to begin with, I wouldn't have gotten as upset with him when he did that whole swear on the bible to put Howie and Rach up mess.
He's the only one out of them that's actually playing the game b/c he has to.

I think if the friendsheep are smart.. They'll put up one of their own and either Jan or Howie.
That's if they still want to backdoor James.
Jan or Howie would most probably pick eachother.. and the Crappy Cult team would pick one of their own not giving James a chance to play.
I think it would have to be Maggie maybe though... cause I'm not sure who Ivette would choose and Beau would choose whoever Ivette told him to.
I dunno if those 2 would want to pick eachother b/c they really suck in competitions.

We're just gonna have to see what happens though. I think we're going to be seeing a whole lot of sucking up by James. Maggie trying to pull April one way and Ivette trying to pull her the other.... and I think April is going to pull a stupid move and put up Howie and Janelle.

Also if any of the sheep had a brain in their heads.. they'd be trying to get eachother off and taking Howie/Jan to the end if they want that money.
Oh but wait.. they're not there for the money according to them.. *rollseyes*

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:36 pm 
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God- APRIL? Why is it that all the people that can't do a thing are suddenly starting to get lucky and win?

The only good thing that could possibly come of this is trying to get rid of Ivette, but that's HIGHLY unlikely.

This sucks. The idiots are going to win. GOD. I'll be rooting for James if it comes down to that.

And this is a really crappy Americas Choice. A phone call, whoohoo. We should be able to pick HoH or something.

And Ivette.... telling Rachel what a bad sport she is? Are you kidding me? Seriously....

EDIT- OMMMMMMG! This bashing Beau on House Calls is sooooooo hillarious! :roflol: "Rant Rant Rant" flashing across the screen. XD!!!


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:24 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Don't vote Howie. Make the Friendsheep realize how everyone hates them once again!

EDIT: Okay, I'm watching the stuff from the live feeds I recorded.


Janelle and Howie

If there is no veto, or if no one wins veto (think the coaster game), then Janelle's going home. If not, they may try to backdoor James. That's what Maggie and April were discussing.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:14 am 
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o_0 wrote:

Don't vote Howie. Make the Friendsheep realize how everyone hates them once again!

EDIT: Okay, I'm watching the stuff from the live feeds I recorded.


Janelle and Howie

If there is no veto, or if no one wins veto (think the coaster game), then Janelle's going home. If not, they may try to backdoor James. That's what Maggie and April were discussing.

If I was Janelle or Howie.. just in spite of the fiendship.. I'd pick James to compete in veto and let him win if possible.
JUST in spite of them.. even if it got me kicked out of the house.
And if he won the HoH next.. lord that would be like the sweetest revenge.

And did you hear about ivette and beau wanting maggie and april to pretty much let them win it all? OMG is all I can say... I don't care if you were an ally in the house or not.. the hell if I'd GIVE you the win.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:21 am 
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Shollia wrote:
o_0 wrote:

Don't vote Howie. Make the Friendsheep realize how everyone hates them once again!

EDIT: Okay, I'm watching the stuff from the live feeds I recorded.


Janelle and Howie

If there is no veto, or if no one wins veto (think the coaster game), then Janelle's going home. If not, they may try to backdoor James. That's what Maggie and April were discussing.

If I was Janelle or Howie.. just in spite of the fiendship.. I'd pick James to compete in veto and let him win if possible.
JUST in spite of them.. even if it got me kicked out of the house.
And if he won the HoH next.. lord that would be like the sweetest revenge.

And did you hear about ivette and beau wanting maggie and april to pretty much let them win it all? OMG is all I can say... I don't care if you were an ally in the house or not.. the hell if I'd GIVE you the win.

I wouldn't, I'd go with the plan to backdoor James. Don't let the door hit him on the way out.

And Ivette and Beau are idiots, God I hate them.

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Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:44 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Golden Power of Veto

Somehow it involved prizes. Janelle won a trip. I believe April won PoV (95% sure), because she said she was sure that she was going to take Janelle off the block.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:46 am 
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o_0 wrote:
Golden Power of Veto

Somehow it involved prizes. Janelle won a trip. I believe April won PoV (95% sure), because she said she was sure that she was going to take Janelle off the block.

Yes, yes! Thank you so much for that wonderful news o_0.

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:41 am 
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Going back to BB5 here a minute....

Remember the twins.. Adrea and Natalie?
Well I knew I had seen them somewhere before.. I'm pretty sure I have seen then on tv on like a talk show.....

So anyways... yesterday I was flipping through some old Iron Man magazines I have looking for a good photoref.... and what do I see?

A pic of them in one of those fitness competitions! I remember reading about that when I first got the magazine a few years ago b/c I thought it was a little interesting to see twins competing in it.

And yeah..... ok.. that's all :P lol

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:41 am 
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Shollia wrote:
Going back to BB5 here a minute....

Remember the twins.. Adrea and Natalie?
Well I knew I had seen them somewhere before.. I'm pretty sure I have seen then on tv on like a talk show.....

So anyways... yesterday I was flipping through some old Iron Man magazines I have looking for a good photoref.... and what do I see?

A pic of them in one of those fitness competitions! I remember reading about that when I first got the magazine a few years ago b/c I thought it was a little interesting to see twins competing in it.

And yeah..... ok.. that's all :P lol

Oh, that's awesome.

I think they released a fitness video or book or something.

Set by Medli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:32 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Their official name is the Fitness Twins.

They have everything from a Twincersize book (I don't know if that's the proper title) to a Fitness Twins mousepad.



America's Choice and Other Goings-On

Janelle won America's Choice and talked with Michael. They were not allowed to discuss the game or the players, though.

Ivette's so depressed, and the Friendship thinks that Janelle would never win over America, and the vote must have been rigged.

April is going to take Janelle off the block and put up James, although she MAY change her mind when the veto ceremony rolls around.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:44 am 
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o_0 wrote:
Their official name is the Fitness Twins.

They have everything from a Twincersize book (I don't know if that's the proper title) to a Fitness Twins mousepad.



America's Choice and Other Goings-On

Janelle won America's Choice and talked with Michael. They were not allowed to discuss the game or the players, though.

Ivette's so depressed, and the Friendship thinks that Janelle would never win over America, and the vote must have been rigged.

April is going to take Janelle off the block and put up James, although she MAY change her mind when the veto ceremony rolls around.

I'm reading about the whole AC and the Nerd Herd complaining about it.
Good lord these witches just tick me off so much... BB better show their poor sportsmanship.... something Ivette claimed Rachel had even though it seems like Ivette is crying her eyes out.
And then April has the nerve to say that SHE deserved it more than anyone else just b/c she's married?
And before how any of them deserve it.. but when they find out it's Jan... they automatically go to the bashing and saying taht she didn't deserve it and saying that BB rigged it.
These people.... I swear....... I just want to do very violent things do them :evil:

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:59 pm 
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Shollia wrote:
o_0 wrote:
Their official name is the Fitness Twins.

They have everything from a Twincersize book (I don't know if that's the proper title) to a Fitness Twins mousepad.



America's Choice and Other Goings-On

Janelle won America's Choice and talked with Michael. They were not allowed to discuss the game or the players, though.

Ivette's so depressed, and the Friendship thinks that Janelle would never win over America, and the vote must have been rigged.

April is going to take Janelle off the block and put up James, although she MAY change her mind when the veto ceremony rolls around.

I'm reading about the whole AC and the Nerd Herd complaining about it.
Good lord these witches just tick me off so much... BB better show their poor sportsmanship.... something Ivette claimed Rachel had even though it seems like Ivette is crying her eyes out.
And then April has the nerve to say that SHE deserved it more than anyone else just b/c she's married?
And before how any of them deserve it.. but when they find out it's Jan... they automatically go to the bashing and saying taht she didn't deserve it and saying that BB rigged it.
These people.... I swear....... I just want to do very violent things do them :evil:

Same here!

"Oh Howie, your such a beefcake"

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