(Would you mind if Ristalia knew Meria in a shopkeeper/customer relation?)
Meria flew off, glad she had enough light to illuminate her journey. She didn't quite want to temporarily seize a firefly, as she thought the idea quite cruel. Regardless, Meria soared through the sky, spiraling, flipping and twirling, a miniature flying shadow against the pale moon. Well, now that my human-sized affairs have been settled, I need to get some supplies. Extracting a tiny piece of paper with scrawl only readable by small people, (DUH), she read off the list, a habit picked up by watching merchants mutter in their business.
Lets see, ink, human and my sized paper, a few vials human sized, and of course, my potion ingredients for next time.
Humming cheerfully, Meria sped towards the stationary shop, the only store open at the moment that she knew of. The ink and vials she could wait a while, and the potion ingredients were found in the woods, so those needn't be done now. However, Meria wasn't quite tired yet, so she decided to get some more work done, as customers were expecting their charms soon.
Deciding she would follow the river route, Meria flew low, soon enough approaching a group of three, and a.....trolley.
What else do you think she'd say? Ok.......
"Eh, uh...... hi?" she said, probably inaudible to most as she immediately turned shy and red-faced.