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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:12 pm 
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"Althea!" She murmered urgently, looking down at the girl. Something was terribly wrong, she could see it in the breathing, in her pale, pale face. She took more water and dribbled it on her cheeks and forehead. She murmered another incantation, this one a little more wildly placed, but could work nevertheless, Illuminatum Concerno Currentum, a spell of light. She placed her fingertips on Althea's temples, willing it to work. She heard someone burst in and with a motion of her head, willed he or she to come closer.

[Oooh.... :o suspensful :P]

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:27 am 
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((My goodness! Sorry guys, school just started and band season is in full swing, so my time has been greatly limited. From what I've read, it sounds like I'm missing the council already. Could someone give me a brief summary?))

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:29 am 
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((Don't worry about it Discordant, we all have times when we're busy. But, no, the council hasn't started, we've just all begun to make our way to it.

Basically, Althea (Lillie's character) has arrived at Sapphire and discovered that, unfortunately, Queen Emra (Forest's character) can't give her the powers to breathe underwater, which would have saved Zircon. She's now fainted and Dev (Lillie's other character) and Emra are trying to revive her.

Also, Vann and Isabella (my two characters) have arrived at Estel, Ash (Rachel's character) has also arrived and has met Dagger (Rachel's other character). Serenity, while 'descending' the staircase to Garnet from Diamond (she didn't realise it was more like a ladder and basically fell down) landed on Echo, she... after proving just how bad she is at defending herself... asked him to help her get to Returana for the council.

Meret and Arelore (my characters) and David (Anubis' character) have discovered a child who had been captured by demons and is exhibiting some... strange behavior.

Merle (kuroro's character) has arrived at a village whose fishing vessels have been attacked by an oily demon from the sea (Zircon's resident sea demon). Zach (CD's character) was captured by the local evil demon and has been turned into a zombie.


Phew.... that was a lot to remeber. Though I suggest that when you get a chance you read everything (especially Rachel's posts, they're hilarious). ))


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:04 am 
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[Argh, I've got ten minutes.]

Dev flew to his queen's side and caught up one of her hands in his - the cold fingers stunned him at first. They were far, far too cold to be normal. He rubbed them vigorously and then clutched her other hand, trying to bring some warmth back into them. All the while, he kept calling.

'Princess!' he shouted. Althea didn't respond. Dropping her hands, he began to shake her shoulders slightly. 'Princess, wake up!'

She still didn't move. He thought he was seeing dark shadows under her eyes but he was not sure if it was a trick of the light or not.



Princess... princess... wake up...

Far away, Althea thought she heard someone calling her. She looked around wildly but there was only that everlasting darkness around her to see. The cold had subsided a little to be replaced by a warm memory of some kind and she tried to grasp at it with her mind, but it was lost again.

What was it that the person had said? she struggled to remember. Already the words were fading quickly out of her head. Who was she? What had he - she was sure it was a he, but now she thought about it, she was not sure if the speaker might have been a woman - said? She could not remember, she could not hold onto those words much longer -

They slipped out of her mind beyond her grasp. She opened her mouth to give a despairing moan but silence came out instead.


There it was again! She caught hold of the word with her mind's eye as though it was a lifeline that had been thrown out to her.

Princess, she repeated to herself. It was a boy, it was a boy who said I am a princess. I am a princess, she told herself. And a boy is calling me to wake up.

She closed her eyes tight, willing herself to wake up from this nightmare when she opened her eyes.


Dev was running his fingers over her eyes, begging her silently to wake up. If only he had some kind of healing power, he thought. If only -

Those silver eyes he wanted to see so badly fluttered open slowly. They shut again, as if they were stunned by the light, but they eventually opened to look up at the two concerned young people. Dev let out a silent sigh of relief to see her awake.

Althea groaned audibly. She felt as though the heaviest weight in the world was lying on her head and on her chest and it took all her efforts just to move a little. Her hand shook as she tried to lift it and Dev caught it and held it firmly. He could see that she was intolerably weak.

Hearing the groan, the guards outside the door peeked in and looked around the scene in some alarm.

'What's the matter?' one of them ventured.

There was a short silence before Dev quickly said, 'Fainting. The Lady has not been feeling very strong lately and the swim up to shore must have exhausted her more than she let us know. She had a fainting spell just now, didn't she?' He took his eyes off the pale young girl to stare hard at Emra, daring her to say otherwise. The guards thought he should be looking more respectfully at their queen, but they glanced inquistively at Emra for her agreement or dissent on the matter.


Somewhere underneath the ocean, a black mass let out an unearthly wail before muttering to itself, 'It didn't work.'


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:49 pm 
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((Wow, thanks ria!))

"Now, enough about trade. I assume you want to learn more about Induisha? Sadly, I'm not quite sure who...or what it is, but it seems to be a huge threat to everyone, even outside the countries we represent." Thisa paused, and seemed to be pondering something. "If...I had to make a guess...I would say that Induisha is a very powerful sorcerer...or perhaps a demon of similar strength. Perhaps at the council we will learn more."

On cue, a messenger ran up to Thisa and handed her a note, bowed at her and Molan, and ran back the way he came. She opened the note, and her eyes widened slightly at its contents.

"Seems as though we must leave now if we plan to be at the council on time. I honestly thought it was not that far sounds like its being held in Returana this time." She looked up at Molan. "Is your ship still docked? It would be best, if you don't mind, that we use it...I have doubts that my people would be able to ready a ship of our own soon enough, and travelling on foot is very slow. Come, we must hurry!"

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:48 pm 
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Molan nodded his assent, somewhat disappointed. "Yes, all right. We'll use my ship. But once we arrive at Returana, I'll want to send word to Dela. My wife," he clarified. "I hadn't told her the proper management of a festival before I left. That festival is over now, and I wanted to make sure there are no troubles."

And he followed Chancellor Thisa down the interminable stair.

Do what you will; but I will hinder it if I may.

-- Eowyn of the Mark

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:55 am 
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Location: The small corner of my mind where dreams are made...
It was a nice sensation. He was floating, there, but not really there. He wasn’t real, but real enough to exist. He wanted to stay here, forget about everything else and just float here…forever. But then the lovely feeling disappeared, consumed by darkness. There were people around him, so many people. Some were worried about him, some wanted to help him…but there was one person, one person who sent shivers down Echo’s spine. All evil emitted from the person, making Echo sick. The person leaned over him. Echo could not tell if this person was a man or a woman. The person smiled and opened his mouth. Echo prepared himself for pain…
“WAKE UP!!!”
“AAAHHHH!” Echo yelled, jumping up.
The world swirled before Echo in a clash of painful colours as Echo’s head collided with a tree branch above him.
As his vision cleared he saw Serenity, the insufferable Princess he had been paid to baby-sit.
She stood above him, a cheeky grin planted on her small face, her pale hair fanned out behind her.
Echo blinked, and his memory came back to him. They were on the edge of Garnet, about to enter the Kingdom, to pass through it. They were on their way to Returana where Echo hoped to rid himself of the girl.
“Did you have to wake me up? A gentle shake would’ve done just fine!” Echo said, glaring unforgivably at Serenity.
Serenity closed her eyes and smiled, “I know two kinds of men. When woken up with a start, the first kind would pull out their swords and stab the unfortunate person to wake them. The second kind would scream and humiliate themselves,” she brushed a pale pink lock of hair from her face, “I wanted to see which kind you were…you are clearly the second kind,”
Echo stood up and sheathed the two glimmering swords that he always slept next to, “You are lucky I do not hold my swords while I sleep, or you would’ve never made it to Returana,” Echo looked around the clearing where they had camped for the night, “Did you make breakfast?”
Serenity jumped up, excited, “You really mean it? You want me to cook? Yay! The cooks in Diamond would never let me near the kitchens!”
Echo soon discovered why.
Serenity managed to get a fire going with the help of her wand…eventually.
She gathered some logs and piled them on the ground. Then she pulled out her wand and aimed in at the fire. Halfway through the incantation she dropped the wand and set fire to her cloak. She shrieked and Echo ran to help her put out the fire.
On the second try she missed the logs and set fire to the tree that Echo had slept under. Then she forgot the incantation to produce water from her wand, so Echo gathered all the blankets and tried to smother the fire. Serenity, who was sitting on the ground, frantically trying to remember the spell, jumped up and managed to get the water from her wand…which soaked Echo. An angered Echo snatched the wand off her and put out the fire in the tree.
When she finally got a fire going she filled a kettle with water and set it up over the fire to boil. Then she went in search of something to cook. Before she could leave the camp, Serenity tripped over the supports that were holding up the kettle. The kettle tumbled over into the fire, losing it’s contents and putting out the fire at the same time. Serenity proceeded to try and light the fire again but Echo hurriedly grabbed her arm and pulled her away.
“I think you’ve done enough this morning. We’ll stop off for something to eat in an Inn in Garnet,” he told her.
A sad expression crossed the girl’s face. Her eyes scrunched up and she burst into tears.
Echo pulled away from her, at a loss of what to do.
“I tried my best!” she wailed, “I can’t do anything!”
Echo agreed with her silently, then sighed and helped Serenity up.
“Cooking doesn’t come naturally. It takes practice. A lot of practice,” he commented dryly.
She bent her head back and burst into tears again, “I’ll never be good at anything, I’m the worst Princess ever! I’m stupid, clumsy and bad at magic!”
“You forgot annoying,” Echo reminded her. He soon wished he hadn’t. If he thought that she could not cry any louder, he was wrong.
She wailed louder, causing birds to fly out of the neighbouring trees in panic.
“Er…you’re not really that bad…” Echo stammered.
Serenity stopped crying, and ran to Echo’s side, wrapping herself around Echo’s right arm, painfully tight.
“You really think so?” she asked.
Echo nodded. Anything to keep her quiet.
He winced as Serenity laughed and hugged his arm tighter.
“We should leave if we want to make it to Garnet soon,” he said, prying her off his arm.
Serenity nodded enthusiastically and ran to pick up her violet cloak, which she had discarded after setting it alight.
Echo pulled off his coat to examine the arm that Serenity had clung to. It throbbed painfully and he hoped it was not broken. There was an angry red ring around his arm where Serenity had squeezed it, repeatedly. He sighed and pulled his coat back on, running to catch up to the unendurable Princess, who had already left the clearing without him.

They entered Garnet. Everybody was staring at Serenity, who was dressed in her ridiculous outfit of pink and purple. Echo wished she had dressed in something else. She stood out agonizingly clearly. Echo supposed that they dressed like that in Diamond, and the girl did not know any better.
He pulled his coat off and draped it onto Serenity’s shoulders.
“Why?” she asked him.
“Your clothes attract too much attention. I don’t want to be noticed,” he replied.
The coat was too heavy and too big for her. It dragged behind her as she staggered under it’s weight.
As they walked through the village he noticed something was wrong. People were staring at him. They knew who he was.
“I don’t think that we will be staying for long,” he whispered to Serenity.
“Echo…do you know these people?” she whispered back, worriedly. Some men were glaring at Echo.

Serenity was deeply afraid. Suddenly a person in a hooded cloak ran up to Echo and grabbed his hands, pushing Serenity away from Echo.
A surprised Echo pulled away from the person. The person lowered the hood, revealing a good looking girl.
“Leah…” Echo whispered, reaching towards her.
By the look in his eyes this girl was probably someone Echo loved. She tuned away, feeling a little jealous and alone. Nobody loved her, just her money.
When she turned back she saw that the girl named Leah was holding a dagger behind her back, ready to strike

Echo smiled. It was true! Leah was not dead! A feeling of happiness and relief washed over him.
“Echo!” Serenity screamed, throwing herself at Leah.
The two girls collapsed beneath him, both fighting. Leah produced a dagger and proceeded to stab Serenity viciously.
Echo gaped at her, shocked. The Leah he knew would never hurt anyone!
He pulled her off Serenity and held her safely away from the Princess, getting a closer look at Leah.
Upon realising who she really was, he mentally kicked himself.
Leah was not alive. She was still dead. And this was her twin sister, Cait.
Cait had hated him from the moment he met her and when she found at that he was having an affair with her sister, she was the one who had told Leah husband, leading to Leah’s death. Leah was killed by the spite of her own sister.
He remembered a couple of nights ago, at the inn in Garnet, where he though he had seen Leah, but it had been Cait. That had explained why a few moments later he was attacked.
“You were a fool to ever come back,” Cait spat at him.
Echo glared at her at released her. She fell at his feet.
Echo helped up Serenity, who had a few bruises, but was otherwise unharmed.
Silently Echo and Serenity walked away from Cait. He did not wish to cause a scene.
But it was inevitable.
“You will not escape with your life!” Cait called after him. People were gathering around them.
Echo ignored her, and kept walking.
“Bring out Tundra!” Cait called, her voice lined with malice.
Echo froze. He had heard that name before.

He jumped for the men and managed to tackle one of them. The other one kept running, either not caring or did not know about his friend who had just been trapped. Echo looked down to see whom he had caught. It was the mysterious man who had sat in the shadows in the inn. Still laying on top of the man, Echo lifted the man’s head up by his hair and rested his blade under his throat. He could feel the man trembling beneath him.
“Who are you?” demanded Echo.
“My name is Llenruam,”
“Why are you here?”
“My band was hired to kill you. You stole my best friend’s wife, Leah,”
Echo’s eyes narrowed. So this was about Leah.
“So he’s still trying to kill me. Nice.” Echo commented, pulling harder on Llenruam’s hair.
“ We will never give up, you traitor, not until you are dead.”
A bold remark. Echo moved the sword closer to Llenruam’s throat as a threat. Llenruam gulped. Echo stood up and dragged Llenruam up with him, then pinned Llenruam to the wall.
“Listen to me,” he told Llenruam calmly, “I don’t care how many men you send after me, because as you can see, I can beat them all. I will beat them all. Tell you master that,”
Echo scowled at Llenruam and let him go.
Llenruam started towards the door but stopped and turned to Echo, “You will not escape Tundra,”
Llenruam ran out of the inn, before Echo could question him about “Tundra”.

A low rumbling echoed behind him. Upon turning Echo discovered that “Tundra” was a large man.
Echo smiled to himself. Is that all these people could cook up?
Tundra pointed to Echo and snarled, “ I will fight you for the honour of my friends!”
Echo nodded, “ I will face you,”
They had sent him a giant that although could overcome him in strength, could not match him in speed.

Tundra and Echo stood face-to-face, swords drawn. Tundra held a large iron sword, that could cut Echo easily in two if it touched him. Echo held up his twin swords.
They stood a large building, which was likely, the town meeting place. Strong beams held up the roof over their heads. Echo made sure not to crash into any of them.
Many people had tuned up to watch the fight. Looking around, he could see many of Cait’s friends in the crowd.
Serenity stood near the back of the large room; clutching his coat, worry flashing through her pink eyes.
“ I am so thick. Picking fights with people from Garnet when I have Serenity travelling with me. I’ll finish this as soon as I can, so I can get the Princess to proper safety,” he scolded himself.
“Begin the fight!” someone called from a safe distance.
Echo fixed his eyes on Tundra. The giant slowly edged towards Echo, waving his sword dangerously.
Echo grinned. The giant looked very heavy and slow.
Suddenly the giant changed, from slowly edging to a run.
Echo’s eyes widened. He had underestimated Tundra! The speed at which the giant man was racing towards him was impossible!
Tundra aimed his sword at Echo’s heart, but Echo dodged. The sword had missed. Barely. It drew a deep gash in his left shoulder. His left arm useless, he dropped the sword that his left arm was holding.
Tundra came at him again. This time he kicked Echo. The kick winded Echo and he fell back to the ground.
“Get up!” shouted Tundra, “ Get up so I can cut you down honourably!”
“It’s my own fault,” Echo thought, as he shakily stood up, “I underestimated him…”

Serenity stood in the crowd, her mouth hanging open with shock. Until now, she had though that no one could beat Echo. But now, before her eyes, the giant man named Tundra was standing over her friend, beating the life out of him.
“I have to do something,”
Looking around, she saw one of Echo’s swords lying, discarded where he had dropped it.
She ran towards it and picked it up. It was lighter than her sword.
Without thinking, she ran towards Tundra and swung the sword at his legs.
And missed.
But what she did hit was one of the beams that held up the hall, next to him.

As Serenity hit the beam, Echo saw the roof begin to cave in. The other beams crunched and fell, then the roof crumbled and came down with it. People were disappearing under the rubble, Tundra had vanished.
Echo searched for Serenity with worry.
“Where has she gone? I need to get her to safety!”
The last though Echo had before a piece of falling roof knocked him unconscious was, “Serenity sure knows how to end a fight with a bang,”

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:29 am 
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((Eternal_Spirit, I don't wanna whine, but I am forced to now. Why do you keep ignoring Haki? Isn't it suspicious that a winged snake (who is, by the way, quite rare in this place) is flying around your two characters, hissing and trying to get your attention, and you just ignore it and travel along?! Sorry, but getting very frustrated here. I thought the first time you ignored me, it was an accident. Did you miss my posts?

Your writing skills are excellent, but an rp isn't about story-telling alone, it's also about interaction between characters of different players.))

Set by WIS!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:29 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Location: A land full of joy and happiness, and happiness and joy.

The day had finally come. Anka was leaving for Returana.

The people of Ruby were highly surprised at his decision. None of the Rubians had attended since Anka’s Great-Great-Grandfather had been killed by an assassin while attending.

The council however were in uproar. The King was refusing to see them. How were they to make decisions without him? The Queen could not. She was a lowly commoner before the King had chosen here as his bride. What gave her the right to rule over Ruby?

Anka’s decision was final. Nobody could change his mind. He had signed an order to the council saying that they must listen to Bella and let her make decisions that would usually be entrusted to him. He only hoped the council would do this… though he doubted so. Even though he would not like to issue the order to behead his council, he would do it for the insubordination that he knew would come from them.

With Bella in charge he would be able to get on with the council and not worry about Ruby.

… Or so he thought… Somewhere outside the mountains a woman with orange scales and Ruby red eyes was celebrating. Her plan would be put to use soon.

All of a sudden the grungy mirror had stopped reflecting the celebration.

“Bella… What are you doing?” croaked Pyrona.
“My lady… something has happened…” She sounded frantic.
“CALM DOWN!” she shouted at her. “What has happened?”

Anka was just about to board the boat when Bella came running.

“Bella… what is wrong?” he asked her. She looked pale as if in shock.
“Anka…” She began…
“What is wrong?”
“Anka… I’m pregnant…”


Zach was sitting on the end of his sick parents’ bed. He had just made them their evening meal.

“Zachariah… what’s the matter?” asked his mother in a weak voice.
“Nothing mother.” said a cold and unnatural voice.
“There must be something wrong son.” coughed his father. “You haven’t been yourself for days.”
“Just eat.” He told them.
“Ok son”

Two hours later the bodies of Zach’s parents were removed from the house. It appeared that they had overdosed on their medication.

Zach seemed too grief stricken to show any emotion at all.

By the end of the night everybody was talking about the poor boy whose life seemed to be going horribly wrong…
((I didn't actually intend for Bella to get pregnent but she had to live up to her Bio and make a mistake. this just happens to be a HUGE mistake.))


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:40 am 
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kuroro wrote:
((Eternal_Spirit, I don't wanna whine, but I am forced to now. Why do you keep ignoring Haki? Isn't it suspicious that a winged snake (who is, by the way, quite rare in this place) is flying around your two characters, hissing and trying to get your attention, and you just ignore it and travel along?! Sorry, but getting very frustrated here. I thought the first time you ignored me, it was an accident. Did you miss my posts?

Your writing skills are excellent, but an rp isn't about story-telling alone, it's also about interaction between characters of different players.))

((I'm really sorry, I didn't know! I have no idea what to write either but I promise I'll try my best. This is my fist rp ever so I'm not very good. I didn't realise I was blocking you so much.
I have been reading your posts, I just didn't know what to write in response. I feel really bad for frustrating you like that be assured that I won't do it again. If anything else bothers you please let me know...I hate making people mad :( ))

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:09 pm 
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.:Eternal_Spirit:. wrote:
kuroro wrote:
((Eternal_Spirit, I don't wanna whine, but I am forced to now. Why do you keep ignoring Haki? Isn't it suspicious that a winged snake (who is, by the way, quite rare in this place) is flying around your two characters, hissing and trying to get your attention, and you just ignore it and travel along?! Sorry, but getting very frustrated here. I thought the first time you ignored me, it was an accident. Did you miss my posts?

Your writing skills are excellent, but an rp isn't about story-telling alone, it's also about interaction between characters of different players.))

((I'm really sorry, I didn't know! I have no idea what to write either but I promise I'll try my best. This is my fist rp ever so I'm not very good. I didn't realise I was blocking you so much.
I have been reading your posts, I just didn't know what to write in response. I feel really bad for frustrating you like that be assured that I won't do it again. If anything else bothers you please let me know...I hate making people mad :( ))

((No, I am sorry. I again reacted in a really bad way. *sighs* I hate my moods, I blow up too quickly (is that an english expression). I realise I probably wasn't that clear. Don't worry about it. Your writing skills are, like I said, really excellent. I should have worded it out differently. *blushes*))

Set by WIS!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:11 am 
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((This is a message from Rae (Eternal_Spirit), her internet is down, for some strange reason she can't figure out...

Kuroro, please don’t be embarrassed, the best of us get into moods. You had the right to be angry because what I was doing was really annoying you and you were kind enough to tell me. I will try harder, because what you said was right, that I wasn’t really rping properly, just storytelling.
By the way, you are an outstanding writer as well!
I feel really bad that I can’t reply to you myself, and that it must look really weird that I got ria to post this up for me, but I wanted to reply to your post as soon as possible.

I hope my parents will be able to figure out the problem with my internet soon, so I can get on and read everyone’s posts. But until then, I don’t know how long it will take, but I’m sure it’ll only be for one night or so. ))


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:19 pm 
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((Reading these OOC posts is like a soap opera :P Juuuuust kidding! :) ))
Emra nodded at the curious guards and waved them away. She looked down upon Althea, giving a quick smile to Dev in thanks. "How do you feel?" she asked Althea quietly, looking at her with worried eyes. Emra felt so terrible, she might have caused this. She was only sixteen, and a queen that young has easy faults- but Emra couldn't really believe that she had inflicted such awfulness upon Althea.

Original Joined Date: November 30th, 2002

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:33 pm 
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[Sorry, reaaaaaally can't post now but notice that I am losing internet tomorrow until who knows when. Hopefully not more than a week or two. If you like, send Althea back to her rooms for rest and play with her if necessary but I'd prefer it to be limited.]


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:04 pm 
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((Its okay Lillie, I've been having trouble thinking of what to post lately, school just seems to stop my creativity. But don't worry. Only one more week and one more day and I'll (and Rachel as well) be going on holiday. We plan on spending lots of time at each others houses, and I'm sure we'll have some more great ideas for posts to provide tons of inspiration for everyone! ^_^

Also, around the end of next week, and the beginning of the next one, I'll probably be starting up another RP (*hears groans of 'not another one' in the background* *glares at people groaning*) but that doesn't mean that I won't be posting and keeping an eye on the Twelfth Kingdom as well.))


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