"Would everyone please go to the living room, it's time for the Veto Ceremony," asked Tested.
The Houseguests began to shuffle their way into the living room, they took their seats on the blue couches; Jamie took his respective seat in the red couch chairs.
"Welcome to the Veto ceremony," greeted Tested, "Hello, again, all houseguests. I can veto any one of the two nominees. Kugetsu, why should I use the Veto on you?"
"Haha, this is a poor attempt to get you to use the Veto on me, but I can't think of any reason why you should use it on me and not yourself. Hmm... we go waaay back right?," Kugetsu said laughing.
"Hm," Tested paused and looked up once more, "Once again, I'm giving you this amazingly long speech so that you can guess what I'm going to do, whether I'll be the nice person, or if I'll do nothing, or if I'll do the expected. I would probably drone on and on and on if I wanted to let you wonder for a few hours, but that takes away typing time for NaNo, which I definitely don't want. At all. So, I'm going to not surprise most people and veto myself. Yay!" he said as he sat down on the nearest couch.
Matterbug stood up, he spoke clearly and said, "My replacement nominee will be revealed later,"
"This meeting is adjourned," ended Tested.
The Houseguests rose from their seats and began to hug one another. One by one they left the living room.
Who is this secret nominee? Will they be evicted over Kugetsu? Find out soon!
Set by Medli
Last edited by Ammer on Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.