Judge's Notes: This round should've challenged all of you to think of an original Christmas-y subtext. I know it's hard to do but putting something along the lines of "Stars twinkling; what a snowy Christmas" or something of the sort won't really help you stand out from someone who has an original subtext. I would sugest using a Thesaurus in future rounds.
Drifting snowfall and wonders foretold
I like this one; it really captures the essence of the snowy night and the Christmas spirit. And it really seems original compared to the other entries.
Rate: 8.5/10
Candlelit snowfalls, a comforting reason *fade* to have a warm, cozy holiday season
The rhyming scheme in this subtext is spot on. I really like how you managed to capture the Christmas spirit without being too bland.
Rate: 9.25/10
Phosphorescent Christmas
I'm sorry, but this subtext does not even fit with the image at all. I can see why you added in 'Christmas' but 'Phosphorescent' ruined the entire thing. It seems very out of place and it doesn't even have a hint of that Christmas spirit every other subtext seems to have.
Rate: 3/10
Blk Mage
The Snow a'Blowin and the Lights a'Twinkling *fades* Upon this Christmas Day
This subtext has the evident Christmas feel and I like how you added the little "a'Blowin" and "a'Twinkling". But it really does seem like you looked up a Christmas carol and took a line or two out of it. I know you didn't but it just seems so bland and not really generic at all.
Rate: 7.5/10
What glowing warmth the Yuletide brings,
despite the bitter cold.
I like this one; it's a new look at this signature which many other competitors didn't have. Christmas is about having a wonderful holiday regardless of what's gone wrong in your life and that emotion is captured well in your signature.
Snow falls; swirling...-fade-Lights gleam; twinkling...
This ones good; you have your little own pattern going on which is a plus. But it seems a bit too generic and safe; this far in the competition you need to really wow the judges and I don't really see it here.
Rate: 7/10
Enchanting Night
Again, this seems a bit too generic; I mean, is this really that original? I'm not saying no effort went into this subtext but it seems really bland.
Rate: 5/10
... of Baubles and Tinsel and Candles that Glow
I like how you used the word "Baubles" insead of something unoriginal like "ornaments" or "decorations". You managed to be original despite the holiday theme. Good job.
Rate: 9/10
I choose to eliminate...
1. Anubis
2. Twinkle
3. Forest_Majesty
Warnings go to...
1. BLK Mage