Was going to say Parelli, but it was already said.
Its a great thing if you do it right. If you do the.. Um.. Chasing game, in a roundpen, don't push it too much. My friends horse got so wound up that he jumped over and got a bone chip.
And from person experience, don't do the 'Hide your Hiney' game, its BS. I've never heard of anyone doing it without getting ropeburn, unless you buy one of their $50trillion leads, and all it acomplishes is your horse being afraid of getting its smurf beaten.
Really, from that it probably sounds horrable, but its really really good.
You probably know this because from what you've said your knowledgable on horses and doing really good, but...
What I've found with the literally hundreds of horses I've been with, let them make the first move every time. Like, if you go into their stall, let them look at you then look back to what they were doing. I don't know why, but it really seems to help the bond, because they trust you before you touch them or something.. Dunno. And if they start to walk towards you, for the love of all things you cherish, don't walk up to them and grab them, they'll kick the living crap out of you.
Trust moi, master of horse kicks, bites, and stompings. If you get trust, don't ruin it because your horse will kick your sorry smurf.
Er, if I said anything rude their, just let me know. I don't mean anything to be rude, but if it is I'd be glad to edit it out. It isn't meant to be offensive, but I'm not exactly all here, so I'm really sorry if I've said anything rude.