.:Blank Stare:. wrote:
Ugh. Are you actually saying that you like the english version? *shudder* once I started to watch the japanese episodes, the English ones just about hurt my ears.
Alot of the things dont make sence in the English version, beacsue people in America are paranoid about their children seeing that kind of stuff. It would have been sooo much better if they put it on Adult swim. Putting it on toonami totally ruined it. -_-
Yes, even though I am an American, sorry to say this but I hate America. Paranoid little american weirdos
Eh, I hear about this all of the time on many sites, but people seem misinformed (just because people hate dubs). It's always griping about dubs, editting, and the fillers, Little is editted out from the American version, except some swearing, the part where Naruto and Sasuke kiss (though I think it's ridiculous they removed that. OMG GUYS KISSING!? HOLY CRAP!), and a few scenes that were especially bloody (though that is iffy, they may not have even touched that, since most of the blood is still intact). The fillers are entertaining, and some hilarious. People want to get back to the main story, but in my opinion *SPOILERS I guess*
the story would be lacking without something in between the two year timeshift. Now, I haven't gotten to the newer fillers, but the older ones were fine.
Most of the voiceacting is actually not bad (it's actually
decent). America was
fortunate with the voice actors they got, as it's better than most American dubs. Only a few really strike me as bad:
Naruto (though his Japanese voice is terrible too, and everytime I hear Dattebayo! or Believe it! I want to shoot myself, though Dattebayo annoys more more since I've been binge watching lately, and it's sooo annoying when just about every one of his sentences end with the same sound. Maybe... if it were used at a time that made sense? "Where is Sasuke, dattebayo!?" What the heck?)
Orochimaru (and once again, his Japanese voice makes him sound like a woman with a testosterone problem, so it's bad too)
Shino (okay, his Japanese really isn't that bad, but let's remember how deep his voice is? His American is terrible though... it just is.)
Dosu (both versions he sounds like he's 30 years old... WHY!?)
Most of the terrible voices are bad in both versions, though I think that Tenten's voice is bad only in the Japanese version. Most of the others aren't really that terrible. People only think the Japanese voice actors are great because they're not speaking English. Believe me, I'm sure many Japanese people think the same way about the Japanese voices as Americans do the American voices, because they are both average.
Oh, and having watched episodes 100-156 in the last couple of days, my new favourite characters would now have to be: Neji, Shikamaru, Kiba and Hinata (Neji was hilarious on the Curry of Life arc and had a great fight in the Sound 5 arc, Shikamaru and Kiba from the Sound 5 Arc, and Hinata from the Sensing Bug (forgot the name) arc.)