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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:38 pm 
PPT Toddler
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I need to take a quick poll before I launch this.

I'm not sure what you mean, but it doesn't matter to me. Either way. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:05 am 
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Alrighty, then. I thank everyone for their imput on the poll. As per the results, I will make it story-type. I will have the introduction and the rules posted on Monday (I think).

All right, the long-awaited day has come:

King Adjudica sat on his throne, wearied from the duties of King. Close behind him on the side stood Bramanov, his most trusted advisor and closest friend. Various dignitaries, squires, and commoners loitered around the edge of the massive circular throne room. They always spoke in whispers about the columns that lined the inner section of the room. None of them ever crossed that barrier. They always hung back and made sure to stay away from the columns. Any person that crossed that line was dead soon, either from a direct order from the King, or from something that the King sent the person on. One man that had stepped forward had not been heard from in seventeen years. No one spoke of this aloud, though. Anyone caught speaking such words disappeared, too.

Adjudica looked around the room at the people and almost fell asleep. The massive oaken doors at the far end of the hall woke him. They creaked open, something that had not happened in over three years. The King sat up, awake again. All noise and movement in the entire hall ceased. All eyes were either on the King or on the two figures that entered through the door. One was a man in a very dirty robe. He leaned down far and walked slowly. The other was a man with golden hair that cascaded down his shoulders. He stood tall, far taller than any other in the entire Hall. The doors swung shut behind them, no longer creaking. The doors shut with a resounding thud that seemed to slap everyone in the face. The man cast off his dirty robe to reveal a stark black robe, something forbidden by the King. A collective gasp echoed through the room from the commoners.

Adjudica slammed down his goblet in anger. Red wine spilled all over the front of Bramanov's tunic. Bramanov did not move as the King erupted to his feet in outrage.

"What is a member of your order doing here?!" He screamed out at the man. The man pulled a staff from the depths of his robe and took a step across the column line. The commoners surged forward to watch, extremely careful not to cross that line. Both men strode forward to the middle of the room, presenting themselves in front of the King.

"I bring word from thy son, Prince and Lord Constance: 'We of the Castle of Constantious [pronounced con-stan-shus] hereby request the immediate assistance of Lord and High King Adjudica. Our lands are being overrun with unknown vermin and pests of all orders. If immediate help is not brought by thee, Lord and King Adjudica, then I fear that this will be our last correspondence. Please send a force worthy of thee.'" The man said in a deep baritone voice. "'To show that we truly need help, I have sent along with Trekvid, a member of the Black Order, an elf by the name of Felvil [pronounced fell-veel]. He is a representative of the elves in the area. He may give you his full account of what has happened.' Thus saith Constance, my Lord King." Trekvid knelt, showing his allegiance to the King.

"Are there any number among you that wish to come to the aid of Constance, Lord and Prince to the Throne of Adjudica?" Felvil turned to the commoners. He motioned for any willing to step forward.


Create a character profile.
Just basic stuff. All start as human commoners. Specialisation comes later, once your characters have enough experience to get unique ability choices and the lot. I need name, and make it cool, gender, age, current profession (if you want to be more specific then 'commoner,' be my guest), etc.

Introduce Your Character.
Have them step forward. Do a little line or two of verbal introduction.

Follow All Posts Made By Me.
I am the Game Creater and the Storyteller. Do as I say or Storytell. Doing otherwise will get you reported to the RP Mods. You will get plenty of warnings beforehand, don't worry.

Fighting Mode.

This RP will by no means be centered around fighting, but fighting will be a MAJOR component. When fighting, take your characters name, use an attack (everyone starts with punch, but more will come in time) that is directed at some object. That is all you need to do. Stats and such will be announced when they become useable. Special attacks, character specific abilities and such will all come after your character gains experience. Only make one action per person between ST (my) posts to ensure less confusion. No godmoding, controlling other characters, predicting action outcomes are tolerated. Differences in character power and specialty will come when different people allocate experience in different manners.

Non-Fighting Mode.

I plan for there to be a lot of dialogue and such in this RP. In non-fighting mode, several people can do actions/speak/whatever without waiting for the NPCs/ST to do something (me). Interaction between characters is allowed and encouraged. No godmoding, controlling other's characters, or such are allowed. Body form is something that can be altered eventually.

No breaking character

If you have a question or comment, please PM me or the person with which you feel the need to talk to out of character. Please to not make the thread messy with comments in parentheses or small font, etc.

Any other rules will be brought up as needed. Any questions should be PM'd directly to me, since this will now be an RP only thread. No more discussion will be allowed. Thank you all for joining and playing. Any people interested are willing to jump in at this point or at some later point that I point out when it comes up. I will be the NPCs and Storyteller, so this means that I will direct the general direction of the story and the fights. Everything else can totally swing depending on the participants.

LilEdit: Please do not triple post. Ever.

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:21 am 
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Name: Orost Tyran
Title: Blacksmith
Gender: Male
Age: 30

I tall, muscular man stepped over the boundry of the pillars.
"I will help you." he said, "Any threat that troubles Constantious might turn against us." He went to stand by the two people, casting a wary glance toward the black robed elf.

Death is pretty final
I'm collecting vinyl
I'm gonna DJ,
The end of the world!

'Cause if heaven does exist
with a kickin' playlist,
I don't wanna miss it at the end of the world!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:39 pm 
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Name: Fiache
Title: Priestess
Gender: Female
Age: Older than anyone can remember
An old lady steps up as well.
"I have the obligation to save my people"
As she joins the others, istead of a slow walk, she does it swiftier than some 20 year old person.


Also Rauven on Neopets

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:29 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Location: Set by me.
Name: Eithne (EN-ya) T'ryl
Title: None
Gender: Female
Age: Early teens


A young girl emerges from a shadowy spot behind a pillar. The reason for her hiding was obvious upon the sight of her. Her pale skin was marred by dirt and a number of scars; long, raven-black hair clumped and filthy. Her already petite build was made all the more thin by starvation, and her proud, high-cheekboned face was gaunt. The girl was clearly one accustomed to a life on the streets. Despite this appearance of raggedness, her grey eyes held a peculiar sort of fire, and the vague pointedness of her ears and something in the way she carried herself indicated elven lineage.

"There is nothing for me here," she said, nearly spitting the words. Her voice carried an odd lilt, almost melodic.

"I will join you."

That said, she strode to the side of the elf, chin thrust defiantly outward.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:00 am 
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Name: Logarth
Title: Adventurer
Gender: Male
Age: About 27

A man just recently entered the castle when he heard some commotion going on in the throne room. He pushed through the crowd to see the elf and the other person talking to the king and also to the people who volunteered to go on this mission.

Seeing another adventure in the works, the brown-haired and brown-eyed man also stepped forward. "I would love to begin a new adventure," he said, looking at the others who stepped forward.


Speculation Central - Thinking about the future... Today!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:45 am 
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Adjudica nodded at the four that stepped forward. He motioned for them all to take a step forward.

"You six are to begin the journey to my son's land, your Lord Prince Constance's land of Constantious, to help rid his land of the nuisances that have beseiged him. I ask that you stay for no longer than you feel the desire to, but the very life of your Lord Prince may ride on how swift you reach his lands. I need you all to move into the armory, where my personal armourer will give you the supplies that you need." Adjudica motioned for the six to leave the hall. "I will send any others willing to come to the Lord Prince's aid after you." He nodded at Baramanov, who stepped out, leading the six people to the armoury.

"What kind of armour would you like?" He asked, opening the door to the armoury. He ushered the poeple inside. "We have armour that will help you with attacks from the front so you can rush into the battle. We have armour that gives you the mobility to shoot a bow. We have armour that gives you the freedom to cast spells. Whatever you want, just tell the armourer here." Baramanov said, bowing out of the room. "Report to the training grounds once you are finished getting your armour and weapons."

Posts must be four sentences or longer, including dialogue, from this point forward.

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:42 pm 
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Orost considered for a moment.
"I need the kind for leading fromtal charges. I won't need a wepon, I have my hammer." While saying this he unstrapped his blacksmithing hammer from his back, testing the balence.
"Well, I'll need to rebalance it but that won't be a problem..."

Death is pretty final
I'm collecting vinyl
I'm gonna DJ,
The end of the world!

'Cause if heaven does exist
with a kickin' playlist,
I don't wanna miss it at the end of the world!

Last edited by Immortal_Z on Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:55 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Location: Set by me.
Eithne, her chin still thrust defiantly outward in what seemed to be a permanent sort of mannerism, took her time in considering. As she though she chewed on her bottom lip, until drawing blood for a raw patch. clearly this, too, was a habit.

"I need summat to provide some decent defence, but it sh'd be light. Obviously," she said, rolling her eyes and indicating her tiny frame. "I need'a be able t' move, speed's one of my greatest assets."

She stood silent for another moment before speaking again.

"Need a weapon, too," she finally said, gruffly. "Left with nought but my bare 'ands...the pests, whatev' they may be, would eat me 'live," again, she paused. "A stave'd be fine. Better yet'd be a glaive, if'n ye can provide one."

Finally stringing together long sentences, the street-rat quality of her speech became far more noticable.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:09 am 
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The armourer shook his head at Orost.

"Ye must keep that hammer however ye had it set before. There will be no ruining ye blacksmith hammer just to fashion yeself for battle." He said, moving into the recesses of the armoury. He emerged moments later with a large war hammer. The wooden haft of it molded to the armer's hand, making it almost one with the body. Intricate carvings swept up the haft from the gripping points. They reached the top, where a stone was fire-hardened into the haft. The stone weighed about as much as a medium size sack of corn. The armourer spun it around quickly, striking a bale of hay that lay nearby. The muffled boom echoed across the room. The hammer stood waist high to Orost.

"I don't want to start ye out on a very expensive or a very heavy one. Ye will have much trouble weilding that one as it is. Remember to practice as much as possible. Oh! And before I forget..." The armourer went back into the storage and came out with a thin wooden slat with straps around it. "This is ye armour. Ye put the wooden part against ye chest and tie the straps around ye back. Someone may have to help ye do it." He ushered the man out of the room.

Orost's stats:
Title: Newbie Adventurer
Magic: 0
Speed: 1
Strength: 3
Defense: 0
Luck: 2
Intellect: 1

Orost's Inventory/ Equipped Inventory:
1 Blacksmith's hammer
1 Basic War Hammer (+1 Strength)
1 Basic Attacker Armour (+1 Defense, -1 Luck, -1 Speed)

The armourer turned to Eithne.

"A glaive, ye say? That be a bit much for someone as inexperienced as ye. Perhaps we can get ye one eventually, but in the mean time ye're going to have to start out with something much less complicated to use. I think that I can give ye a non-magical stave to begin with. If ye become competent enough with it, ye will no doubt be able to fashion it into ye own liking." The armourer produced a thick wooden staff. He handed it over to the girl. It was very plain to the eye, for its purpose was not to stay a staff, but to be changed into something greater. He pulled out a small suit of armour, much thinner wood than the armour that Orost recieved. It hinged at the shoulders and came down her back. Straps held the front and back together. The armor stopped short of her waist and gave her arms plenty of moving space.

"This will be what ye get at first. If ye grow out of these, ye can always find others that will be willing to trade for better armour." The armourer said, ushering her out as well.

Eithne's Stats:
Title: Newbie Adventurer
Magic: 0
Speed: 3
Strength: 1
Defense: 0
Luck: 1
Intellect: 1

Eithne's Inventory/ Equipped Inventory:
1 Elementary Staff (+1 Strength)
1 Basic Armour (+1 Defense, -1 Luck)

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

Last edited by ryan.riverside on Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:02 pm 
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Logarth followed everyone else down to the armory, and after Orost and Eithne received their weapons and armor, he stepped forward.

"I like to attack from a ranged position, so as for my weapon a nice bow and some arrows would be nice. And maybe, maybe you could throw in a couple of extra things with it, if you know what I mean... Maybe some arrows that magically burst into flame or something," he said, looking at the equipment and armor that rested in different parts of the armory.

"And maybe, maybe a light sword if I need to get up close and personal. And armor, armor needs to be light or something so I can move fast enough, but have good defense. And light enough so that I can wear a quiver of arrows without being uncomfortable."


Speculation Central - Thinking about the future... Today!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:55 pm 
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The armourer looked over at Logarth and retorted.

"This is not just another one of ye adventures, boy." He said, even though Logarth was only a decade younger. He went into the back, coming out with some items. "First of all, ye're nowhere near good enough to weild fiery arrows yet." He handed over a bow. It was nicely made, but was not very difficult to pull. He gave the string to Logarth as well. "Ye must be able to string ye bow to use it. As for the arrows, perhaps the mage that is travelling with ye can show ye how to enchant them. I will only give ye empty arrows. Here are thirty to start out. You can probably get more when you report to the training grounds." He handed Logarth a quiver with thirty arrows stuffed into it somehow.

"As for the other things ye spoke of, I can give ye a short dagger here. Nothing fancy, but it will help ye if everyone else in ye company lets ye down. And here's some armour. Same as I gave to the girl." He tossed the items over and shooed Logarth out.

Logarth's Stats:
Title: Novice Adventurer
Magic: 1
Speed: 1
Strength: 1
Defense: 1
Luck: 1
Intellect: 1

Logarth's Inventory/ Equipped Inventory:
1 Basic Bow (+1 strength, +1 Speed)
1 Basic Dagger (unequipped, -1 Speed)
30 Empty Arrows (+1 ranged strength)
1 Basic Armour (+1 Defense, -1 Luck)

All given stats are base. You must add the Inventory bonuses to them to get your final values.

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:29 am 
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Location: Stuck in my world (Hokkaido, Japan)

Hikaru hesitated at the armory enterance.
"Hello." she said finally, stepping inside.
Neither from the way she spoke or the way she acted hinted that she was foreign, but there was a little difference from most other people in the kingdom. Her black hair, tipped with a redish-brown, was tied up in a high ponytail. She had brown eyes, with a bright sparkle in them that portrayed intelligence.
Dressed in a simple tunic over a shirt and, rolled up grayish-brown pants, she also had a simple slingshot, knife, and a small pouch hung on her belt.
"I don't like killing."she said flatly."But I'd like to help, sir. There may be more people, animals............killed if we don't stop these things. I can do very *simple* healing, like for bug bites and scratches. I think I can probably use a sword, I have trained for about two years. I don't think I have bad stamina, I always play with the boys. I don't have the best speed, but I prefer speed over strength so I'd like to work on my speed."she stopped now to take a deep breath. She was obviously nervous.
"I'm very bad at the slingshot, but I'm getting better. I'd prefer a light sword, sir, if you have one. Simple is perfectly fine, I like simple and beautiful the best." She looked like she could go on forever, but she stopped and waited for the reply.

LilEdit: Please do not double post.

Flyff (Mia)→HikaruKi

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:58 pm 
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The armourer looked over at Hikaru. He rolled his eyes.

"I haven't heard any word about ye, but I assume ye're going with the fellowship to Lord Prince Constance's princedom. If ye don't want to fight, ye should'nae volunteered." He went into the back, grumbling to himself. He came out a moment later with some items in his hand. "First of all, a slingshot is nae a weapon for fighting with. It is a weapon that is used to kill rodents, and nothing bigger. What ye need is this." The armourer held up a shepherd's sling. "This'n be better for ye. Ye'll have to get used to it, but it'll be better for you in the end. And here's a sword and some armour." He shooed her out of the room.

Hikaru's Stats:
Title: Newbie Adventurer
Magic: 1
Speed: 1
Strength: 1
Defense: 1
Luck: 2
Intellect: 0

Hikaru's Inventory/ Equipped Inventory:
1 Basic Shepherd's Sling (+1 ranged strength, +1 Speed)
1 Basic Shortsword (unequipped, -1 Speed)
1 Basic Armour (+1 Defense, -1 Luck)
0 Basic Empty Projectiles (not equipped b/c not in inventory)

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:59 pm 
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Fiacha takes two steps ahead, and looks at the blacksmith.

"Big fella, would you be kind enough to just give me a staff? Just a regular staff, nice wood, long enough for me to put my weight on... And maybe a small dagger, just for herbal use. I really don't think i need an armour, but if you insist, i'll have one that doesn't make me slower. I also would like to take my herbs, and a nice pocket to put them in would be helpful."

She thinks for a moment... Then, looks at her old shoes, and says "...with this old shoes i'm not going anywhere, a light travelling boots would be nice, if, of course, you can arrange them"


Also Rauven on Neopets

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