I was happy to find that The Daily Neopets even has a Safety Center alert page for such:
Here is the latest safety alert issued by TheDailyNeopets.
9/3 6:05 am NST - An alert has been issued by the team at TDN (code red)! NEOPETS IS INFECTED! Multiple reports state that viruses called value[1].wmf and a downloader called bl4ck.com. AVOID NEOPETS. Read more in our news and Safety Center, and removed the ads.
Recommendation is to use Firefox, but for anyone adverse to using FF for any reason (I admit I am one) the
Orca Browser is also based on Gecko and has more features, options, blocks more ads and doesn't need extra plug-ins, etc. Translation: not affected by this security hole.
I am braving Neopets on my IE/Avant (since Avant blocks more than IE once I add the file and URL extensions I know are malicious) more to keep track of this than anything. If it has been going on months and TNT is doing nothing about it, someone has to document this. Go me.
Allnameswereout: If I get it again I will do that. I am not afraid since it is a "harmless" virus of sorts (or doesn't affect me) and is only an annoyance. I noticed that I got it once in one day last week, and the other day several times in several page loads (in various places, Shop Till refresh, and yes javascript maybe since also when clicking Items to feed my pets) but I notice there is some link with ActiveX and JavaScript settings in a browser, too.
I also got errors that my ActiveX settings prevented the page from loading (thank goodness) at certain times.