Thanks for all the responses!
It's interesting what y'all are saying about computers in school. I was moderately involved in installing the computers at my first three schools. (Okay, I carried the keyboards into my preschool. Shush.) It was fun to teach my friends about computers back then and watch them use a computer for the first time. Now half of them are bigger computer geeks than I am, of course.
DM was on fire! wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:
Twizzler0171 wrote:
I believe it was around 2000 or 2001. I don't think it was before that, but I may be mistaken. We got internet at the same time. =D
My firsts experience with keyboards* was probably in 2nd or 3rd grade when they were teaching us how to type. Or, when I was even younger and visiting my mom's friend's house -- she had a computer and this game with a little puppy that I loved to play. And internet... probably 4th? I remember going to a Pooh site and also a games site that had a load of games, but I really only liked a game that had a squirrel in it. o-o
EDIT: *Computers. Sorry. XP
Haha, we used to play "Oregon Trail" and "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego". Still some of the best games computer games ever.
ZOMG!! I remember Carmen Sandiego too! I still have all my Carmen games. Even now and then, I like playing
Carmen Sandiego's Thinkquick Challenge on level three.
Oooh, shiny Carmen game! I was a Carmen Sandiego addict back in the day. I watched the TV show, played the games, and had a Carmen Sandiego notebook where I wrote little stories I came up with. Around the same time, I was completely obsessed with Treasure Mountain, Reader Rabbit, and Oregon Trail.
I still play Oregon Trail, though. It's fun to use the names of fictional characters...although now I almost always pass Harry Potter's grave on the trail.