I remember the old one. The new one isn't an improvement, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. I guess I'm just not willing to accept that Darigan Kacheek as a finished color; it looks more like a sketch idea that one would use when
conceptualizing a Darigan Kacheek (I almost typed Mutant and was tempted to leave it alone
Most likely people have their own interpretation of what traits the color Darigan is supposed to embody, but to me I think they should either look sly, devious, and cunning, or serious, distant, tough, jaded, or some combination of those. But definitely not hulking and stupid, which is what this one makes me think. It only looks vaguely menacing. To me it looks more like the Kacheek lost its glasses and is trying to see ahead by squinting.
Horns could've been added and played with, ears could have been positioned to look more evil, heck, it could've even been red or yellow. It could've had actual hands (I hate it when they stick claws onto nubs, that doesn't count). The only thing that I like is the way the tail was done.
All in all...not too impressed. Hope they make some changes before actually releasing this.