Round 36
SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.
Story as of now:
- 332nd Fighter Group Patch pic from Wiki
The Thwomp flies down and crushes Edge for -3 damage. The Koopa Troopas bite Katarn and Terry for -1 damage each. The Pokeball bounces off of Rikku’s head as it lands. Kabigon springs forth, causing the girl barely a quarter of its size run for cover. Kabigon does a massive Body Slam that squishes Samus and Pikachu for -4 damage each. Falcon Dives from Kabigon and hits Simon for -3 damage.
The HRB spins in the air for a moment before a long, red tongue reaches out and grabs it.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: Booya!]
Yoshi scans the arena for a target and spies Mario.
Yoshi: Yoshi. [Trans: Revenge is a dish best served cold.]
Yoshi chases down Mario with his superior running and jumping skills and pins his captive in a corner.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: For today, I am the destroyer of worlds. Your life is mine to forfeit. Your trespasses cannot be forgiven. Your crimes will not go unpunished. The time of judgement is at hand. Prepare to feel a doom like that which you have wrought to so many others. Justice is at hand!] [:P What! It is a very concise language!

Mario accepts his fate as Yoshi winds up and hits Mario out of the upper atmosphere.
In his lair, Sephiroth is about to rip Ridley’s head off for playing darts when he should have been prepping a Dark Trooper for launch.
Sephiroth: We are on the eve of our major assault, what made you think it was a good idea to mess around instead of work? You are supposed to be prepping a Dark Trooper for launch!
Ridley: Don’t worry. I got someone to cover for us.
Sephiroth: Who?
Ridley: Martin van Buren.
Sephiroth looks over to see the Unsent form of the United States’ eighth President welding a panel onto a Dark Trooper. President van Buren sees Sephiroth and waves. Sephiroth looks back at Ridley, then back at van Buren, then back at Ridley, then finally at the ground. He gives a large sigh and starts slowly drawing his sword. Ridley squawks and flies away.
Sephiroth: Get back here! For I am the destroyer of worlds! Your life is mine to forfeit!
Sephiroth give chase. The colonel turns to President van Buren.
Colonel: Is the droid ready for launch?
Van Buren: Indeed. Your mechanical man shall prevail.
Colonel: Thank you, Mr President. Eva launch.
President van Buren presses a button and launches the Dark Trooper to the stadium.
Colonel: Awesome. Now where have I heard that speech before...
On the surface. The Dark Trooper, with an escort of Heartless, surveys the field. It activates its Energy Shield for added protection.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: The Day of Reckoning is at hand! Repent and ye shall be spared!]
0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions
after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.
Preferred Attack format: ‘
[Character A] attacks
[Character B] for
-X damage’ [Do not forget the
red, and
Example attack: ‘
Sonic attacks
Link for
-3 damage’
Example split attack: ‘
Chrono attacks
a goomba for
-1 damage and
Ryu for
-2 damage
Example weapon use: ‘
Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal
-3 damage to
Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]
Simple Attack format: ‘
[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the
Example attack: ‘
Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage’
Example split attack: ‘
Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2Example weapon use: ‘
Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo’
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]
[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]
Preferred Heal format: ‘
[Character] heals for
+2 HP [Do not forget the
green and
Example heal: ‘
Kirby heals for
+2 HP’
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]
Simple Heal format: ‘
[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the
Example heal: ‘
Kirby heals for +2 HP’
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]
Specials follow the same format where appropriate.
Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.
Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).
Super Smash Attacks (SSA): SSA actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The SSA use counter does not reset until all characters have used their SSA. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points. They may not be ready at the start of the game, but I’ll finish them as soon as possible.
Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.
Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help.
Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round.
Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime SSAs or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Sample use:
[b]Gogo mimes [Last Character Used] and [Copies the last action as player sees fit][/b]
Starting/Maximum HP = 50
Castlevania: +30 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round
Deep Space 9ers: +50 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack
Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials)
Hyrule: +90 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items)
Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team)
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down)
Mushroom Kingdom: +40 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members
Pokémon: +50 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects
Sephiroth: +60 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack.
Square Enix: +160 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action
Versus: +70 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)
Bracket A - Mon & Tues
Peach--------------------------50 (Wed to Geno)
Plusle and Minun-------------47
Captain Falcon----------------7
Hayabusa Ryu----------------47
Bracket B - Thurs & Fri
Kyle Katarn-------------------49
Ice Climber--------------------46
Mr Game & Watch-----------42
Young Link-------------------50
Black Mage-------------------49
Geno---------------------------43 (Wed to Peach)
Jeran and Lisha---------------48
NPC Stats
Heartless x4 ----------------- 1 HP
Dark Trooper --------------- 34 HP (Immune to Specials, weapons)
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!
Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Koopa - Roy - Christopher - Round 15
Giga Koopa - Wario - Okamoto - Round 21
Sonic - Black Mage - Okamoto - Round 25
Guard Armor - X - Okamoto - Round 26
Donkey Kong - Prince - Typhoon - Round 28
Kongo Jungle - Rikku - Typhoon - Round 29
Diddy Kong - Yoshi - Typhoon - Round 29
Deoxys - Gogo miming X - Typhoon - Round 33
Mario - Yoshi via HRB - Typhoon - Round 35
Captain Falcon - - - Round ??
NPC Kills (NPC, # defeated, # sent):
Goomba - 13 - 18
Octorok - 3 - 10
Slime - 7 - 7
Koopa Troopa - 7 - 10
Spiny - 9 - 9
Deku Scrub - 2 - 5
Hammer Bros - 4 - 5
Kremling - 2 - 4
Heartless - 9 - 16
Paratroopa - 1 - 2
Redead - 3 - 5
Cactuar - 2 - 3
Like-Like - 2 - 4
Red Bubble - 1 - 5
Blue Bubble - 1 - 3
Bomb - 0 - 1
Wiggler - 0 - 2
Dodongo - 1 - 1
Lakitu - 2 - 2
Stalfos - 3 - 3
Moblin - 1 - 1
Zu - 2 - 2
Tonberry - 1 - 2
Iron Knuckle - 2 - 2
Metroid - 5 - 5
Malboro - 1 - 1
Thwomp - X - 1
Boo - X - 1
Floor Master - X - 0
Points: Max = 3*cos(2π)*(6!/4) - (2^3)(25^0.5) ± ln(1)
Blk Mage - 281
Stinkyllama - 56
Christopher - 114
Noo - 313
Ryan - 188
Roxas_x - 52
Okamoto - 276
Typhoon - 240
MJ - 3
GM Choice - 78
Past Winners:
SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers
SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon
SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule
SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix
SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - ????
Point Redemption
Pokémon List:
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Summon Materia Effects:
Found here
Character Profiles:
Found here. Enjoy!
Game Notes:
Changes made in SSBB 1 here. Enjoy!
Changes made in SSBB 2 here. Enjoy!
HRB Rules. Enjoy!
Request Info! - From past game. Will re-post towards the end of the game.
How to Gogo - Enjoy!
Game Site:
Overall, found here.
Preview movies, found here.
Round 36 Announcements:
Both Brackets are Active!
2: Ah! Another one of the topics I’ve been wanting to do.
3: Today’s subject: Tuskegee Airmen: The 332nd Fighter Group in WWII. The member squadrons were the 99th, 100th, 301st, and 302nd fighter squadrons. The flew P-40s, P-47s, and P-51s. Thanks to 1941 legislation, Congress had the US Army Air Corp form an all-black combat unit. Despite efforts to limit entrants, numerous qualified people applied. After much testing, the 99th fighter group was created. Based at partly Tuskegee Air Field and trained at the Tuskegee Institute [more later], the air group, complete with crew, was fully trained and ready for combat as soon as US operations began in North Africa. Though segregated from the rest of the air force, the Airmen’s first combat mission was in preparation for the invasion of Sicily. In the Anzio Campaign, the ‘Schwarze Vogelmenschen’ would come in and out of battles with the Luftwaffe with impressive victories. The most famous possible myth around the Redtails is that they never lost a bomber to enemy fire, but that claim is under investigation. By the end of the war, the air group had racked up: over 15,000 sorties on 1,500 missions, 113 shot down planes including 3 jets, and were awarded hundreds of medals including 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses and several Silver Stars. After the war, the Airmen were still segregated until President Truman desegregated the US armed forces causing the Airmen to come in high demand. In recent history, several surviving Airmen went to speak with current 332nd pilots in Iraq and were collectively honored by with a Congressional Gold Medal. One fictional member of the Tuskegee Airmen is Grandpa Freeman on the show Boondocks.
4: No need to worry about Faction members for this round’s ability. The Dark Trooper was summoned for them.
Watch below for a special posting.
6: Reorganization: By number of appearances that I could find on their Wiki page. Notes: I didn’t want to weed through everyone’s possible appearances so I cut and edited as I saw fit; Ryu and Chun-li didn’t get exact numbers since that would have been a lot of weeding; Sol got fewer than listed since most were reissues of the same game; Mario would have been on top no matter what, but I still wouldn’t have counted his exact number of games; some cameos of import were counted (Mario RPG

); some games in development were counted (SSBB

); most Pokémon got a base 11 score since they all can appear in the 11 core games (R, B, Y, Gl, S, C, R, Sp, E, D, P), but I only counted additional games as those listed on their article; I almost counted the New Order books for Katarn; I wished for more characters like Terry and Liu who had complete lists that were easy to find; Link counted as the protagonist of all Zelda games, with Young Link only counting for Ocarina of Time and SSBM; big thanks to the KH series for giving a lot of characters more than one appearance (and thus proving how cool Cloud is); I counted Neopets as a whole as one game but if you actually count J&L’s game and plot appearances, that won’t change their Bracketing; so many notes just so I can set the record straight.
7: Reorganization facts: Most games (counted) - Wario (44); Most games (fighting) - Terry (30); Most games (Square Enix) - Cloud (11); Most games (Pokémon) - Pikachu (27); Most games (if alive) - Mario (duh

); Continuous number of games - 1 through 13 had at least one character; Number of games with the most characters - 9 characters with 2 games each
8: No more suggestions... for now. Requests are okay though. (Just think the big names for the most part)
9: Typhoon earned +5 points for the posting requirements
Special Faction Change! If you noticed some similar speeches this round, that is because of a sudden and unexpected [Trans: I just came up with it.] Faction change! Cheers to Team Sephiroth and their new member... Yoshi! Feel free to pick up your dropped jaws.
11: Andrew Jackson! That is almost too close to who I had planned. Fun fact about van Buren: he was the first US President to have been born after the US Revolution, thus technically making him the first true American President.
Both Brackets are Active!
This Round's Weapons:
1 Max Repel: Character cannot attack or be attacked for the next two rounds. Cannot be Thrown
This Round's Dressphere - Square Enix use only!:
This Round's Specials:
Gogo - Mime: See above
1) Peach: Peach Parasol: -4 damage to one character. Target cannot attack for the rest of the round. Cannot target special users.
2) Fox: Fire Fox: -5 damage to one character
3) Tina: Flare: Choose one: -8 damage to one character and -3 to Tina or -3 damage to three characters and Tina
4) Chrono: Lightning: -4 damage to one character regardless of defenses (Hits through reflection, immunity, and absorption)
This Round's Stage:
This Round's Mini-game:
This Round's NPC(s):
4 Heartless: 1/0 HP. +1 point when defeated. Deals -1 damage to one inactive character each at the end of the round. They only appear for one round.
Dark Trooper Phase 3: 30 HP! Randomly, once? per game. Makes two attacks per round, one special, one regular. Immune to specials. Specials: Assault Cannon: -5 damage to one character. Missile Barrage: -3 damage to three characters and -2 to self. Strafing Run: -1 damage to every member of a Faction. Energy Shield: +4 HP to Dark trooper and immune to weapons.
This Round's Faction Ability:
Sephiroth: Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better.
Thank you!