As an actor and a person with a lot of experience in this category, I'd consider myself a pro at mimicking dialects and accents and such. I'm not boasting or bragging, but I've just had a lot of experience with it in the past 6 years. I've acquired quite a list actually! I've done several greek plays, the crucible which took place in the salem which trials long ago in salem, ive been in many english comedy shows, and british as well (ive actually found the major differences between the two), a western comedy, and right now im actually in a Comedic version of Hansel and Grettle, so its all german accents!
Also, im in Speech, which is basically a huge talking tournament with as many as 2000 people on a weekly basis, where there are 11 categories including Drama, Humorous, Informative, Great Speeches, Poetry, etc.... and my category is "storytelling", so over the past 3 years ive had to tell almost 50 different stories from all around the world with of course, different dialects to get better scores.... in order to make different characters, i actually compiled a list of all the accents i can currently do... here are all of the characters i have really strong for storytelling:
Austrian/German: Unt 'ansle und grlettle vent ouut inntdo das voods! (and hansle and grettle went out into the woods)
Mexican Spanish: "ay mayan. Wie neid do go ouut into deese woods aind git sumadem raddish flawerls det dey got iin therle." (Hey man, we need to go out into these woods and get some of them reddish flowers that they got in there"
French dude: Zeez frlench guy iss eh, 'ow you,, velly intellesting!" (This french guy is... how you say... very interesting!"
Midwestern:(minnesota, wisconsin, canada) Will yeah! Yeh' betcha! Ouv course yer goona taik summa dem dare wahterr 'n spiiiill it all overrr that there flawr! Theeis eeis cyanada of chorus! (well yeah! You betcha! Of course your gonna take some of them there water and spill it all over that there floor! This is canada of course!)
New York/East Coast: Ey! AwHen ahh wee gonna detch this layowsy woild and maggit big somedAYY" (Hey, when are we gonna ditch this lousy world and make it big someday?)
Hick/Hillbilly/Alabama: Theeis aone taaaam, aii wuz ieen theis pet stow'... 'n they yall sayad thait I coul'n git nun mo' a dem fisheyes dey bie sellin' thaire.... (This one time, i was in this pet store, and they all said that i couldnt get non more of them fishies they be selling there)
And I've learned how to talk different between "'an o'ld Ilrishmin" "Uand in o'd Scoattishmin!" (irishman and scottishman)
I've also got western cowboy, australian (pretty much a steve irwin/crocodile impression but it sounds just like him), I've got jew, an arabian, a britain, and englishman, the outrageous type of britain that they have on montey python and the holey grail, and I do a pretty good "old spiritual black slave" (not trying to sound racist or anything, just saying its another one i do... that deep voice that sounds so soulful yet sad at the same time) and a bunch of others I do pretty well... so yeah, ive learned to speak in a lot of different ways. If I recorded them, you really might not be able to tell it was the same person if I played them in wierd orders and such! It's really fun!
I speak a pretty wide varitey, but im still learning. "Arighta nowa, ima trlying toa learni how to speaka itahlian!" (italian!)
And I'm also trying to learn the new japanese-american... "Oh, yis! I saww a leery big beeuding wid dtha tahww towa aund de towpa! (Oh, yes! I saw a really big building with the tall tower on the top!)
those ones are kind of hard though... im having a hard time with the japanese guy one!