Yeah,I thought about a runway..
We lost one. I feel sick. I have snot in my throat from crying and I feel like its my fault.
Mom and I could tell she was the weakest of the bunch. I am not surprised she was the one, was just so horrible seeing her die.
In the end,just like my dog,(well,mom told our dog) I told her to let go. A minute later,she shut her eyes and she was gone..right in my arms..We tried giving her some milk,taking her wheres its cool, and (somewhat) mouth to mouth. None worked. She was gasping for air in the end. She was like this when we got home. We left them for too long. And now shes dead.
But,now I know she is with Jesus. I know he will take care of her. And she has a perfect name: Halo. I miss her already,and I cant wait untill I see her again..or him.
On the bright side,her siblings are okay..but one keeps jumping out of my hands and stuff. I bet I'll kill him too before its all over.
Mom phoned the vets first thing she knew and all she said was,"Take them back." But on the other hand,shes the assistant and she thinks shes hot stuff.
I am going to wallow in pity now. Maybe they do need to go back. I dont know. All I know it Jesus will help me do the right thing. And I believe that she might have died anyway,so atleast she had a happy ending..but I feel horrible anyway.
Oh,I think she died because of her was real limp.
EDIT: Oh,Drama Queen,thanks for the link..but oddly enough,thats the first site I went to for info.

Great minds think alike I guess...