"No execution" the cries rang out, although a few people suggested names, the will of the group was absolute. The group split off and went their seperate ways for the night, a suprisingly nigh number remaining in the camp at Mount Hyjal.
There was no execution
"You guys know you're supposed to decide where to go each night in your nightlist, right?"
"Oh... I forgot, I just sent my action..."
"Nightlist... shoot, I knew I forgot something."
"Wait... the game's started? Oh noes, I missed it"
I guess people should check the forums more often, check to make sure they're sending in everything each night. Everyone who didn't send a location (and there was quite a few) will be assumed to want to camp at Mount Hyjal.
Now, I should have mentioned this in the first post, but I left it out, but all night actions should be sent in a specific way to make things nice and easy and efficiant and reliable and stuff.
Firstly, please label your PM to make it easier for me. "ROLE NAME, Nightlist, Night #" (e.g. Mediev nightlist, Night 1, if you were Mediev, and have a nightlist)
Secondly, with night powers, one is supposed to send a list of 5 names, so that if the first few names are rendered untargetable for whatever reason before your list comes into effect, your night action will not be wasted.
Lastly, be sure to re-read your night results sheet, which will literally be your rolesheet again, with info written in "events" especially your powers, I'll make a few changes to clear up if a power is for the night or day etc.