DiscordantNote wrote:
I remember taking the official, sit-three-hours test when I was around 8 or 9. I thought it was all a game. Then, a few weeks later, I end up in the gifted program at my school the test said my IQ was 138, just two points shy of the genius level. I've noticed it really doesn't mean much at all...for instance, I'm not very good at math. I do have a knack for being able to learn anything (except math) pretty quickly, memorization, and being able to teach myself, which might be influenced by my IQ a bit. Wouldn't be anywhere in the music world without those knacks...
My long-lost twin! I got 138 as well, but I'm rubbish at math, I'm always messing up when I have to add costs at work. But I have a very good memory, and can teach myself most things. I do writing instead of music
As for Adam, if he's supposedly 175 in the UK, what would that be here? If it's 175 on the UK scale that would make it seem higher to US peeps.
I'm actually in Mensa (contrary to popular belief, at least around here, it's not people sitting around talking about how smart they are and how much better they are, it's more trivia nights and fun dinners out, pretty much the same as my grad school class, but with less alcohol. And smart people can be very dumb, just read half of the letters to the editor in the magazine). The best part of the test was the section where they gave pictures of change and you had to say how much was there, or how much you'd get back from a 5 dollar bill, stuff like that. After eight years of working at McDonald's, I aced that part. So, McDonald's can help you get into Mensa!