Yes, I was
forced into making these rules below for you to follow. They made me do it, otherwise they would of beaten me.
Anyway, less about me, and on with the rules.
1) Thou shalt not flame members of the community
2) Thou shall not double post. There is a nifty little
(edit) button to use, to go back and edit your post, or add more to it.
3) Thou shalt not make repeated topics. If the topic/Movie is already there, then there is no need to make a new topic.
4) Thou shalt not talk about inappropriate movies/tv programs. Remember, people of all ages visit these forums.
5) Thou shalt respect others opinions on the movie/tv program of the topic.
6) Thou shalt not "back-mod". We have moderators already, so you don't need to. Just contact a mod using the little PM system
7) Thou shalt recognise that Igg, .neko. and Bno are quite clearly the best moderators in the world.