5th September
* Yikes, the Food Shop is heating it up with some hot food!
* We have a new page of Poems to read.
* This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight winner is almost_cool with his level - Uh... Run!.
* The Acara, Eyrie, JubJub, Lutari, Koi, Tuskaninny, Xweetok, Pteri and Kacheek can now wear the Woolen Cap.
* The winner of the User Lookup of the Week is infinisha.
* Yay! The Art Gallery has been updated with some nifty new images!
* powerlord1 has earned themselves a Minigolf Spotlight award with their level - Death Maze.
* Stop by the Furniture Shop for some Chilli themed furniture.
* We have a new Shop Blog featuring some hot times.
* Some Neopets are having a Hot and Spicy eating contest in this week's first Caption Contest image. Can you think of something funny to say for it?
* If you love Peophins and Peppers, you might want to check out this week's Gallery Spotlight winner.
* The Woolen Scarf can now be worn by the Blumaroo, Grarrl, Kau, Meerca, Scorchio, Wocky, Yurble, Usul and Ixi.
It gets cold at night on the Island!
* Well done _Duchess_of_Darkness, you have just won the latest Pet Spotlight award - hurray!
* Go back to school with these hot new School Supplies.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Black Bearog Stamp. 172 people guessed correctly, earning them 11,628 NP each.
* Yikes, if you are good at targeting you might enjoy our latest sponsor game Cannon Shot.