Fiddelysquat wrote:
It all depends on your motivation. My motivation right now is staying on Dean's List so I can get a good internship the summer after my junior year. My motivation is to make my parents proud and to make every dollar they sweated for count for something. In high school? My motivation was to sneak past the parking lot guards so we could go to KFC during study hall.
That pretty much describes me perfectly, except that my motivation in high school was more like getting by without being expelled or killing someone.
High school was infinitely better than middle school, but I never did get to enjoy learning the way I did in elementary school or college. I think the biggest problem for a lot of intelligent students is that we're either bored and unchallenged by the teaching methods(which for me was always lecture, worksheet, lecture, worksheet, lecture, pointless and irritating project to boost everyone's grade, test) or we're simply not learning fast enough. We stop paying attention, because it's pretty easy to scrape by without ever stopping your own,
more interesting projects: doodling, writing a story or notes to friends, finishing up the homework for the next class, having a conversation with a friend....I never did homework at home by my senior year. There was always enough downtime at school to get the "effort grade" (because grading on accuracy made students feel stupid) I needed.
"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."