The Sorting Hat Begins... (written by averly)
The ultimate idea is here,
of this I cannot jest,
a Harry Potter theme arrives
and a great crowd would be best.
The story is quite familiar,
and everything runs the same:
you must find out who is evil,
and therefore who is to blame.
You'll be able to vote nightly,
or you may even send a list,
with the names of those you'll target
to learn who is in your midst.
So if to you this is of interest,
then surely you must post,
or else Lord Voldemort will hunt
and then you'll be a ghost.Welcome to WW 32: Harry Potter sign-upsco-hosted by Pickles and averly.Your goal will be to survive. Whichever team is still around at the end of the game will be declared the winners. Every player will receive unique roles, both good and evil, which will influence the game.
Days will be from approximately 10:30PM CST (8:30PM NST, 3:30AM GMT) (after night is posted) until 10PM CST (8PM NST, 3:00AM GMT). During this time, you may discuss as much as you want, vote, uses role abilities or special powers, and submit your lists.
Executions will be promptly at 10PM CST (8PM NST, 3:00AM GMT), and will be based on only the bolded votes.
Night will be posted at approximately 10:30PM CST (8:30PM NST, 3:30AM GMT) Once night is posted, the next day begins.
There will be no break for weekends (the day/night cycle will continue as normal).
There will also be rooms that can be chosen from each night, which may or may not have an effect, as well as a few assorted items. Because there will be rooms to pick from,
every player will be required to submit nightly lists, if even only to select a room.
More detailed rules will be posted on the actual game thread.
Sign-ups will run until next Monday, June 9th, at 10PM CST (8PM NST, 3:00AM GMT). Roles will be distributed shortly afterwards. To give everyone a chance to get situated, the first execution (Day 1 execution) will be Wednesday, June 11th, at 10PM CST (8PM NST, 3:00AM GMT).
Please note: there will be spoilers from all of the books (including book 7) worked into this. Please keep this in mind when signing up.Also, since there is no gender icon, and we would like to keep genders correct in the scenes, please post your gender in your sign up post, in case we don't already know it.
Players:1. Jas (f)
2. Pink (f)
3. Ella (f)
4. Crazy (m)
5. Rissa (f)
6. Regan (f)
7. Bruces galore (f)
8. Lee (f)
9. Typhoon (m)
10. May (f)
11. Princess Miyu (f)
12. Laryxler (m)
13. Rubywinged (f)
14. Christopher (m)
15. Ammer (m)
16. Siniri (f)
17. Alex (f)
18. Helena (f)
19. Susannahmio (f)
20. Twinkle (f)
21. Rachel (f)
22. Pixa (m)
23. DM was on fire! (f)
24. Blake (m)
25. thetrueoogabooga (m)
26. Byakuya San (m)
27. angisfab (f)
28. fzun (f)
29. ginny-ROX (f)
30. warxelo (m)
31. Hansy (m)
32. Dyl (m)
33. Rox (m)
34. Missy! (f)