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 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:35 am 

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Location: HOT DANG!!
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*resists urge to shout out roles*
seriously man, if I could pose as an innocent for that long and find out so much about everyone just through various PM's, then there really must be something wrong with the dreamer :P
I'm obviously joking if you can't tell :roll:

Still, I can't wait to see what happens at execution.

set by Sakura

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:27 am 

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:19 am
*laughs with alex*

nice. and i like how 2 baddies passed the stone up, its probally gonna blow up and kill a innocent.

But at the same time, you dont need invitations, just pick it up : ) emote it like a grenade and see if that works. be like...

Picks up stone and chucks it at alex

I'd laugh if thats possible.

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:38 am 
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*was on Alex's team*

good times good times...yup...lots of laughs with Alex. I can't believe she had y'all duped for so long. hahahahaha


 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:03 am 
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Game is officially over. Please feel free to discuss anything now!

All game roles (in spoilers - lots of roles). Feel free to claim yours. :)
Italicized powers are the powers obtained. for those who didn't start with them.

Randomized Roles:
User: Jas -> Role ID: 30
User: Pink -> Role ID: 8
User: Ella -> Role ID: 1
User: Crazy -> Role ID: 4
User: Rissa -> Role ID: 9
User: Regan -> Role ID: 12
User: Bruces galore -> Role ID: 26
User: Lee -> Role ID: 27
User: Typhoon -> Role ID: 13
User: May -> Role ID: 19
User: Princess Miyu -> Role ID: 5
User: Laryxler -> Role ID: 16
User: Rubywinged -> Role ID: 22
User: Christopher -> Role ID: 10
User: Ammer -> Role ID: 14
User: Siniri -> Role ID: 20
User: Alex -> Role ID: 23
User: Helena -> Role ID: 24
User: Susannahmio -> Role ID: 32
User: Twinkle -> Role ID: 2
User: Rachel -> Role ID: 7
User: Pixa -> Role ID: 17
User: DM was on fire! -> Role ID: 18
User: Blake -> Role ID: 15
User: thetrueoogabooga -> Role ID: 34
User: Byakuya San -> Role ID: 11
User: angisfab -> Role ID: 21
User: fzun -> Role ID: 6
User: ginny-ROX -> Role ID: 3
User: warxelo -> Role ID: 28
User: Hansy -> Role ID: 33
User: Dyl -> Role ID: 25
User: Rox -> Role ID: 31
User: Missy! -> Role ID: 29


The Dark Lord (OMT)
1. Lord Voldemort
Alignment: The Dark Lord (evil)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining player alive

You-know-Who. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Lord Voldemort.These are the names that strike fear, no, terror, into the very hearts and minds of the Wizards who hear them. Devious and single-minded, you struggle to conquer the Wizarding World and purge it of unworthy creatures and beings. Since your minions are if anything simply incompetent, you must step in and fix the world the way Salazar Slytherin intended it to be on your own.


Role Powers
-Avada Kedavra (the killing curse): Once per night, you may select a target to kill. Each day, submit a PM with the subject “WW – Voldy – Avada – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be killed.
-Invulnerability: You cannot be touched the first two day/night cycles.
-Horcrux crutch: If by some miracle you are killed, your legacy will be passed on. Before the execution on day 1, submit a PM with the title “WW – Voldy – Crutch” and a list of 5 player's names. If one of these people is in possession of a horcrux item and has not destroyed it when you die, they will immediately converted, regardless of whether or not they are on another baddie team or not.

Starting Shield: 120%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

Death Eaters:

2.) Lucius Malfoy
Alignment: Death Eater (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood thank you very much.
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
XXXX-Crouch, Jr

Some think you pompous and arrogant. Some think you distinguished and respectable. Some think you're scum, which is perfectly fine by you since they're probably feeble-minded and certainly can't trace back their lineage near as far as you can.
Very few people can relate to your appreciation for a long and healthy bloodline, especially since so no one can count as high as the generations of Malfoys. Power and family are the most important characteristics of a patriarch, and you'll do everything within your ability to make sure your family gets the respect it deserves.


Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Personal Power
-Bribery: Once, during the game, you may use your great influence (and great wealth) to bribe the mods to cancel execution for one night. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Lucius – Bribery – Day X.”

Starting Shield: 95%

Daily location required. Spokesperson required to submit team daily lists.

3.) Bellatrix
Alignment: Death Eater (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
XXXX-Crouch, Jr

You've been madly in love with Lord Voldemort for years now. Literally. Even your fellow Death Eaters consider you a woman who's been hit by the Cruciatus curse a few too many times, though they could be getting you confused with your trademark effect on muggle-lovers.
As one of the most powerful Death Eaters, you know that you should never, ever, send a man to do what is clearly a woman's job.

Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Personal Power
-Crucio: Your particular specialty, as you like to play with your victims before you kill them. Not all seem to really survive your use of this curse, even if their body seems to still be living. Once during the game, you may use this to attack another player. To do so, submit a PM titled “WW – Bellatrix – Crucio – Day X” and include the name of the person you would like attacked.

Starting Shield: 85%

Daily location required. Spokesperson required to submit team daily lists.

4.) Pettigrew
Alignment: Death Eater (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
XXXX-Crouch, Jr

A rose by any other name would probably not smell as sweet as one called Peter, Scabbers, or Wormtail. You're not evil though. Not really. The Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor because of your bravery, but you claimed self-preservation led you to turn traitor. Since you can't be brave if you're dead, you took the coward's way out.


Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Starting Shield: 75%

Daily location required. Spokesperson required to submit team daily lists.

5.) Barty Crouch, Jr
Alignment: Death Eater (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive

Calculating and devious, you sacrificed your freedom and later your soul for Voldemort. And your sanity when you volunteered to teach all those teens and pre-teens. Really - kids these days! Back when you were a child your father would cast imperious on you to make you behave. Oh wait, that was only a year ago.


Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Personal Power
-Imperious: Having spent so long under this curse, you understand it better than most, and have perfected the use of it. After one of your teammates falls, you may select any other player to bring them to your team using the Imperious curse. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Crouch – Imperious – Day X” and include a list of up to 5 names. The player closest to the top of the list will be brought over to the Death Eaters.

Starting Shield: 70%

Daily location required. Spokesperson required to submit team daily lists.

6.) Narcissa Malfoy
Alignment: Innocent (Death Eater)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils
XXXX-Crouch, Jr

Even though you may not officially be a Death Eater, thanks to your husband and your son, you may as well be. You have just about everything in life going for you: you’re beautiful, you’re wealthy, and you married well, just as was expected for you as a Slytherin woman.
You’re a dutiful wife, but you will do absolutely anything within your means to protect Draco, even if it means going against your husband. After all, no man with hair more beautiful than yours deserves complete obedience.


Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Personal Power
-Double Agent: You may be “aligned” with the Death Eaters, but who was it that truly brought about the fall of the Dark Lord? You. In the end, you dropped the cause of the Death Eaters, caring for nothing more than your son. Because of this, you will win only with the innocents. You may not reveal your role to anyone, including your teammates. You may claim you are innocent (for you are), but you may not reveal that you are part of a baddie team, or your teammates names.
You will be dreamed as evil, if dreamed.
-Secrets: Twice during the game, you may send a message to another player via the mods anonymously, and keeping in mind the above information. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Narcissa – Secrets – Day X” and include the name of the person you wish to send the message to, and the message. If it does not break the rules, it will be passed on.

Starting Shield: 65%

Daily location required. Spokesperson required to submit team daily lists.

Inquisitorial Squad

7.) Draco Malfoy
Alignment: Inquisitorial Squad (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive

You would be the first to admit that you're a little spoiled, but you know that as a man of great means, you deserve a comfortable life of great luxury. It's the price you pay for being filthy rich. But sometimes growing into a rich man means you must make more difficult decisions than you imagined. Like which Mudblood you and Crabbe and Goyle should pick on next. And obviously they won't have much input since they could easily be confused with giant floating cupcakes (decorated quite poorly for that matter) beside you.


Role Powers
-Poisoned Mead:Every night, you may quite sneakily poison someone’s favorite drink in attempt to kill them. To do so, the spokesperson must submit a PM with the title “WW – Squad – Mead – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list will be poisoned.

Personal Power
-Spokesperson: As Crabbe and Goyle couldn’t possibly handle leadership, you are responsible for submitting nightlists for the team powers.
-Vanishing Cabinet: Once during the game, you may decide your team needs serious protection – for a whole cycle – so you decide to take them through the vanishing cabinet to safety. From the time it is activated, until that time the next day, your team will be untouchable – but they will also not be able to use any role powers. To activate this, submit a PM titled “WW – Draco – Cabinet – Day X.”

Starting Shield: 95%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

8.) Crabbe
Alignment: Inquisitorial Squad (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
XXXX-Draco (spokesperson)

It was only natural for you to join forces with Draco Malfoy while you were studying at Hogwarts. For most of your life you may have appeared a simpleton useful only for brute force and intimidation tactics, but as you got older you got more powerful in your own right. Certainly a lot more useful to your lord than that pansy Malfoy boy.


Role Powers
-Poisoned Mead: Every night, you may quite sneakily poison someone’s favorite drink in attempt to kill them. To do so, the spokesperson must submit a PM with the title “WW – Squad – Mead – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list will be poisoned.

Personal Power
-Fiendfyre: You certainly mastered this spell (even if you couldn’t stop it to save your life), so why not put it to use? Once during the game, you may submit a PM with the title “WW – Crabbe – Fiendfyre – Day X” and include two names. The fire will attack both at the same time.

Starting Shield: 85%

Daily location required.

9.) Goyle
Alignment: Inquisitorial Squad (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
XXXX-Draco (spokesperson)

It’s not that you can’t talk or anything, you just don’t need to, especially with Draco carrying on enough for you AND Crabbe. And normally you really can’t think of the right words to use anyway, except for Crucio. But that’s not particularly hard to remember as long as you don’t have to think about anything else at the same time.


Role Powers
-Poisoned Mead: Every night, you may quite sneakily poison someone’s favorite drink in attempt to kill them. To do so, the spokesperson must submit a PM with the title “WW – Squad – Mead – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list will be poisoned.

Personal Power
-Polyjuice Potion: Okay, admittedly, you stole this, but still. It has its uses. Once during the game, you may use this potion to make yourself look like any other player, and thus doing so, steal their powers for the night (while they lay unconscious in a broom cupboard while you play about). You won’t be able to tell anyone (including your teammates) what you were able to do that night, but it’ll still be fun.
In order to use this, submit a PM titled “WW – Goyle – Polyjuice – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list will have a hair stolen from them that night. The next day, you will receive a PM including further instructions on what you can do.

Starting Shield: 80%

Daily location required.

Half-Blood Prince (Chaotic Angel)

10.) Severus Snape
Alignment: Half-Blood Prince: Dependent on Choice
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Dependent on Choice

Most people have awkward teen years, but even as you grew up your past still haunted you, never releasing you from your mental prison. For years you’ve inflicted more torture on yourself than even Voldemort could have ever inflicted at his angriest with the cruciatus curse.
There’s a depth to you, an ability to love whole-heartedly, but you push it so far inside of you no one would believe you have it. Your cold and brusque way serves as an additional layer of protection that the potions and mental powers you have cannot.


Role Powers
-Choice: By execution day one, you must decide if you will be supporting the baddies or innocents. You will not be told who the players on the appropriate side are regardless of which you choose. To make your choice, and receive your role powers, submit a PM with the title “WW – Snape – Choice” and include whether you wish to aid the innocents or baddies.

Starting Shield: 50%

Daily location required.

-Half-Beloved Prince: Everyone either loves you, or loves to hate you. Admittedly, it would be a sad thing to see you go. Because of this, if you die, you will take someone down with you. If you are executed, the person who formed the majority on you will take their own life. If you are attacked (either by a night kill or day kill), your attacker will die with you. There is no need to activate this power: it is automatic.
-Confusing Concoction: Once during the game, you may slip some of you Confusing Concoction potion into everyone's drinks, causing complete confusion and all nightlists will be lost. To do so, submit a PM with the title "WW - Snape - Confuse - Night X."
-Elixir of Life:You managed to obtain some Elixir of Life (through a perchance shady deal). Once during the game, you may decide that someone that seems to be dead ought to have their life extended, and thus give them this potion. To do so, submit a PM with the title "WW - Snape - Elixir - Day X" and include the name of the person you would like to bring back.


The DA

11.) Harry Potter
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

You’re it. The One That Lived. The boy with the lightning-bolt scar. Except, as far as you’re concerned, you never tried to be a hero, you just keep getting stuck in situations that force you to act like one. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, either. Everyone thinks you’re a miracle, but you really feel you’re just a normal person. After all, you’re just Harry.


Role Powers
-Legilimency: While never 100% confirmed that you can do this, it certainly appears that you were able to extract information from You-Know-Who at will. Every night, you may use your legilimency spell to try and seek out He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Submit a PM with the subject “WW – Harry – Legilimency – Night X” and list of 5 players names each day, and the one closet to the top will be searched for signs of the Dark Lord.
-Mother's Love: The first time the Dark Lord attempts to kill you, you will not die, no matter what your shield status is.

Quest: You are looking for Tom Riddle's Diary.

Starting Shield: 40%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

12.) Hermione Granger
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, Muggle-Born
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

As the most brilliant witch Hogwarts has ever seen, there’s very little you do not know. On your own you’re quite formidable, easily coming up with strategies and logically working through tough situations.
You constantly use your knowledge to bail Harry and Ron out of the stupid situations they tend to walk right into. Fortunately it’s happened so many times that by necessity now you have a fairly good attitude about it. Now if you could finally get them to realize you’re a girl…


Role Powers
-Geminio: Using this spell, you have the ability to duplicate someone’s role powers for a night, giving them the chance to use twice their abilities. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Hermione – Geminio – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list still alive will be doubled.
-Expelliarmus: Using this spell, you have the ability to disable someone for a cycle. While disabled, they will be unable to vote or use their role powers. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Hermione – Expelliarmus – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list still alive, and can be disabled, will be disabled for the next cycle.
-Invisibility Cloak: Once during the game, you may go into hiding under Harry’s Invisibility Cloak, protecting yourself for an entire cycle. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Hermione – Cloak – Day/Night X.”

Please note: You may only use one ability per cycle.

Quest: You are looking for Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

Starting Shield: 50%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

13.) Ron Weasley
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Ok you’re willing to admit it. You might not be the best-tasting bean in the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, but Hermione could at least give you SOME credit. In fact, you might be even better than she is at strategy, and you certainly tend to keep your wits about you better than she does in stressful situations. As long as they don’t involve spiders that is. She can kill those.
When you were younger you were determined to prove your worth to your family, and by the last year of the war against Voldemort rolled around, you finally did grow into the man who stood by his own might and not just one of the Weasleys.


Role Powers
-Extendable Ears: Sometimes, the items your brothers come up with are quite useful. You've recently discovered that their extendable ears can be used to spy on others quite successfully, and can help to determine if they are on the kids baddie team. Each day, submit a PM with the title “WW – Ron – Extendable Ears – Night X” and a list of 5 names. The player closet to the top of the list that is still alive will be checked to see if they are one of the baddie kids.

Quest: You are looking for Salazar Slytherin's locket.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

14.) Ginny Weasley
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Big brothers are annoying pests. You should know, you’ve got six of them. You know they’re just trying to protect you and be all big-brotherly, but when you have to take matters into your own hands by breaking into your family’s own broom shed just to play sports, things have gotten out of hand! While you appreciate being surrounded by a family that pours out love (in their own special way) you’re ready to stop being coddled and step in to help in the war.
And come to think of it, the love of your life wouldn’t even know you existed if it hadn’t been for Ron so maybe brothers aren’t too bad…


Role Powers
-Resurrection Stone: True, you never had the stone in the books, but by some miracle, you have it now, and can use its powers. Three times during the game, you may choose to bring someone back from the dead. To do so, PM with the title "WW - Ginny - Resurrection Stone" and include the name of the player you wish to be brought back from the dead. As soon as the PM is received, this will occur.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily location required.

15.) Neville Longbottom
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

A hero in your own right, you‘re the last person to see that characteristic in yourself. Raised by your Grandmother after Bellatrix tortured your parents to a point of lunacy, you’ve always strived to live up to their memories. When you were younger this might have seemed like an impossible dream, but thanks to Dumbledore’s Army you’ve become a formidable foe for Death Eaters. You grew up from being an awkward, bumbling boy to a man that even Voldemort had to acknowledge.


Role Powers
-Crystal Ball: You've discovered that you can use the crystal ball from your old divination classes to actually view people's roll sheets. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work, and seems to only give a little bit of information, but it's better than nothing. Every day, PM with the title "WW - Neville - Crystal Ball - Night X" and include a list of up to 5 names. The name closest to the top of the list who is still alive will be checked.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

16.) Luna Lovegood
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, blood status unknown
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

You can hear them whispering, call you “Loony” and wondering how someone as crazy as you could possibly have made it into Ravenclaw. You don’t blame them though. It’s not their fault that they don’t understand what’s really going on. If someone as smart as Hermione isn’t willing to acknowledge the Snargalriffles’ conspiracy, then certainly no one at the school would either.
Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with being a little odd. It’s just another state of being, but one that lets you get away with quite a bit.


Role Powers
-Love Potion: Amongst your father's many oddities, you have managed to find a particularly potent love potion, which seems to last indefinitely. Before execution, day one, submit a PM with the title "WW - Luna - Love Potion" and include two players you wish to be submitted to the potion.
Should one of them die, the other will kill themselves in grief.
However, should the two of them, and you, be the last 3 remaining players, regardless of team, you three will be declared winners.
You may not tell anyone who you have used the potion on, and the two players will also not be told.
-Loony Letters: Twice during the game, you may choose to post anonymously on the board, via the mods. In order to do so, compose a brief Luna-esque message (no longer than a paragraph) and submit it via PM with the title "WW - Luna - Loony Letters - Day X". Provided that it does not break any game rules, and is Luna-esque, it will be posted on the game board.

Starting Shield: 30%
Daily location required.

17.) Fred Weasley
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils
Family Members:

As is the case with every Weasley child, you and your brother fought to stand out amongst the crowd. You both chose to make your mark in the family with your practical joker reputation. Despite your mum’s obvious dislike for your new job, you don’t need her or the rest of your family’s approval to become successful.
Under all the jokes and pranks you have a mind towards creativity and intelligence that few realize you possess until it’s too late and they’re puking their guts out.


Role Powers
-Puking Pastilles: You don't mess with the Weasleys. As it has been know, the Weasleys don't tolerate having a family member killed easily, and certainly, not without some type of payback. Fred found a way to modify some of the Puking Pastilles so that they are a little more harmful than harmless, mainly to use against those out to kill.
As a team, you will receive one use of the Puking Pastilles for each family member who is banished (max 2). When you receive your first use of it, the remaining family members will need to agree who to use it on. The second use will be given to whichever family member is left. To utilize this ability, PM me with the title “WW – Weasleys – Puking Pastilles,” and include the name of the person you would like to attack.

Starting Shield: 25%

Daily location required.

18.) George Weasley
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Though as children you and your brother were practically interchangeable, you had to learn to grow up more independently than you ever imagined (but at least your little wifey tried to help). Most of your life you and Fred grew up as unrecognized geniuses until that fateful day you escaped Umbridge (and school). That day you proved to your fellow students that not only were the Weasley Wizard Wheezes fun, but they were very useful items as well.


Role Powers
-Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes: Well, you are George Weasley, aren’t you? Why wouldn’t you have access to some of your own products? When you feel generous, you may give one of the below products (anonymously) to any other player during the night. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – George – WWW – Night X” and include the gift you’d like to give and a list of up to 5 players. The person closest to the top of the list will be offered the gift box. You may only give out one per night, may not give something to the same person two nights in a row, and may not give yourself anything.

Limit 4:
- U-No-Poo (daykill)
- Trick Wand(extra vote)
Limit 3:
- Decoy Detonators (bomb)
Limit 1:
- Ton-Tongue Toffees (partial role reveal)
- Shield Hat (heir)
- Smart-Answer Quill (full role reveal)
- Patented Daydream Charms (daydream)

Starting Shield: 50%

Daily location required.

19.) Lee Jordan
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

As Hogwarts best (and most biased) Quidditch commentator, you know a thing or two about playing games. And as a close personal friend of Fred and George, you know a thing about catching people off guard. Both of these characteristics make you a valuable asset to Dumbledore’s Army. Your sense of humor helped keep the Order sane during the hard times when the Death Eaters and Voldemort were growing stronger.


Role Powers
-Bingo Board: By execution on the first day, submit a PM with the title “WW – Lee Jordan – Bingo Board”. Include in the PM a mapping of player names looking like this:
Player1 - Player2 - Player3 - Player4
Player5 - Player6 - Player7 - Player8
Player9 - Player10 - Player11 - Player12
Player13 - Player14 - Player15 - Player16

Please do not repeat any players names. As players are killed, their names will be crossed off your bingo board. If you manage to get a bingo in any direction, you will receive the following powers:
-One resurrection
-One daykill
-Two full days of protection.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily location required.

Golden Snitch: Well, it's said to win the game isn't it? Well, it doesn't *quite* do that kind of magic for you, but it can certainly "snitch" someone from the dead thread once. To do so, submit a PM titled "WW - Lee - Snitch" and include the name of the person you want to bring back.

Quaffle: It may not be quite as violent as a Bludger, but it can still pack a punch if thrown right. Who knows, it might even be deadly? Once during the game, you may choose someone to throw this at. To do so, submit a PM with the title "WW - Lee - Quaffle" and include the person's name you want attacked.

Order of the Phoenix:

20.) Hagrid
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Half-Human, Half-Giant
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

As a half-giant, you appear as a quite formidable adversary, but the only thing larger than your body is your heart (half-brother not included). Unfortunately this compassion you have for the underdog tends to get you into trouble. Between the spiders, dragons, hippogriffs, and so on, it’s almost surprising you never got more negative attention from students’ parents.
On the bright side, this interest in other species helped the Order and Dumbledore’s Army forge beneficial relationships and gain more allies against You-Know-Who.


Role Powers
-Fluffy: Having a beast like Fluffy around can be quite helpful. In fact, Fluffy has decided (for a decent piece of steak every day) to protect a player of your choice throughout the night from anyone attempting to poison them. Every night, submit a PM with the title "WW - Hagrid - Fluffy" and include a list of up to 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list will be protected for the night from poisoning. You may not use this ability on yourself.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

21.) Remus Lupin
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

While occasionally you have those nights where you’re a monster, typically you’re the gentlest of souls. You are a talented wizard who is a great asset to the Order, and a superb mentor for Harry. You always insist on doing the right and proper thing in all situations, which sometimes makes you difficult to live with since you tend to put so much blame on yourself when things don’t go as well as you had hoped.


Role Powers
-Expecto Patronum: Your ability to cast a strong and successful patronus, and to teach others how to do so has been one of your strong points. Every night, you may protect one person from the dementors. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Lupin – Patronus – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list will be protected from dementors for the night. You may not use this ability on yourself.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

22.) Nymphadora Tonks
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

You’re quite the enigma being a mix between muggles and the pureblood Black family (regardless of whether or not they admit it). It looks like none of the Black grace rubbed off on you because you’re a mite bit clumsy, which has had some unfortunate and inconvenient consequences. Still you made it as an Auror, and surely that has to count for something.


Role Powers
-Master of Disguise: Your metamorphmagus abilities help you divert attacks by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named by confusing him temporarily by the double, giving you both a chance to get clear. Every night, submit a PM with the title “WW – Tonks – Disguise – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list will be protected from You-Know-Who for the night. You may not use this ability on yourself.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

23.) Sirius Black
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

You’ve always been famous. When you were younger you had certain notoriety for your terrible behavior towards certain students, and now that you’re older you’re infamous for killing so many innocent muggles and your old friend Peter. You would have been a lot happier of that was actually the case. Maybe not the muggles, but if Peter was dead life would certainly be a lot simpler.
Despite your imprisonment for thirteen years, you’re still a very powerful wizard. Not overly cautious, but you should be okay as long as you avoid any kind of veils (so try not to freak out during the day or anything).


Role Powers
Your unregistered Animagus status can be helpful. Every night, you may transform into your black dog form, and do one of the following:

-Stalk: Stay with a particular player, to see who targets them.
-Track: Follow a particular player, and see whom they target.

Every day, submit a PM with the correct title of the power you would like to use (either “WW – Sirius – Stalk – Night X” or “WW – Sirius – Hunt – Night X”). Include a list of up to 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list that is still alive will be the target of your investigation for that night.

Starting Shield: 30%
Daily lists required (location and powers).

24.) Molly Weasley
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Even as an Order member, your priority is protecting your brood and the ones that may as well be part of the family at this point too. You love each and every one of your children (though Fred and George with some reluctance) and you only want the best for them.
You might not be as classy as Narcissa Malfoy or any one of those other stuck up, snobbish women, but your blood is just as pure as theirs even though you might not have as much money. Fortunately, what you lack materially you make up for vocally. You have to speak loudly to survive a family of seven men!


Role Powers
-Mother’s Touch: There’s one thing you know: there’s something about a mother’s touch that just soothes the soul. Every day, submit a PM with the title “WW – Molly – Mother’s Touch – Night X” and a list of 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list that is still alive will be soothed, and their shield will be boosted. You may only use this on yourself once.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

25.) Arthur Weasley
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils
Family Members:

You’re the curious sort, which was fortunate for the long time you spent working with Muggle artifacts. Those muggles are absolutely fascinating, just to think about what they can do and how they survive without magic. It’s perplexing really. Imagine trying to raise a family of seven children without magic! It’s maddening enough as it is that you tend to let Molly handle all the insanity.


Role Powers
-Puking Pastilles: You don't mess with the Weasleys. As it has been know, the Weasleys don't tolerate having a family member killed easily, and certainly, not without some type of payback. Fred found a way to modify some of the Puking Pastilles so that they are a little more harmful than harmless, mainly to use against those out to kill.
As a team, you will receive one use of the Puking Pastilles for each family member who is banished (max 2). When you receive your first use of it, the remaining family members will need to agree who to use it on. The second use will be given to whichever family member is left. To utilize this ability, PM me with the title “WW – Weasleys – Puking Pastilles,” and include the name of the person you would like to attack.

Starting Shield: 25%

Daily location required.

26.) Minerva McGonagall
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, unknown blood status
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

As a professor at Hogwarts you’ve seen it all, and then some. And now that Harry Potter is attending, it seems like trouble just follows him around. First there was the troll in the dungeon, and then Umbridge taking over the school. It’s enough to make you ready to retire even though you’re still a spry seventy years old.
Fortunately, you’ve still got quite a bit left in you and frankly Transfiguration is just too difficult and strong a power to not have a capable woman to teach future generations of Wizards.


Role Powers
-Teacher’s Choice: Any time a majority is not reached, you have the ability to pick someone to execute. It is not necessary to do every time this occurs. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – McGonagall – Teacher’s Choice” and include the name of the person you would like to submit for execution.
-Teacher’s Pet: Twice during the game, you may halt the execution of one you don’t feel deserves it. To do so, PM with the title “WW – McGonagall – Teacher’s Pet” and the execution will not take place. Please note: if there are two people up for execution, it will stop both from being executed.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily location required.

27.) Albus Dumbledore
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

You are easily the most powerful wizard the world had ever seen. Despite this power, you’re still human, and like other humans you make good choices and bad ones.
For you, Voldemort’s attempt to rise is similar to history repeating itself, a history you eventually stepped in to save the future. By educating Harry, you hope to prevent or reduce the likelihood of him suffering angst similar to what you went through.


Role Powers
- Fawkes Flight: Your pet Phoenix, Fawkes, is willing to take one person per cycle to a safe haven and bring them back. Every day, submit a PM with the title “WW – Dumbledore – Fawkes – Night X” and include a list of 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list that is still alive will be taken away for the next day and night, keeping them safe from harm. You may not use the same person two nights in a row.

Quest: You are looking for Marvolo Gaunt's ring.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

28.) Mad-Eye Moody
Alignment: Order of the Phoenix (innocent)
Race: Human, unknown blood status
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Possibly the most famous modern day Auror, you know exactly what to look for to find evil. People say you’re a little bit paranoid, but you think a little paranoia is good for the soul. It got you this far at least so that should mean something.
Despite your unpleasant appearance due to being at the receiving end of too many Death Eaters’ wands, your battle style is considerably more merciful than anyone could possibly imagine since you see killing only as a last resort.


Role Powers
-Magical Eye: Your magical eye can see more than a normal eye can. Once per night, you can use it to help determine if someone is part of the Death Eaters team. Every day, submit a PM with the title “WW – Mad-Eye – Magical Eye – Night X” and include a list of 5 names. The person closest to the top of the list that is still alive will be searched for signs of the Death Eaters team.

Starting Shield: 35%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

29.) Percy Weasley
Alignment: Ministry (innocent)
Race: Human, pureblood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils
Family Members:

You are the straight-laced third child of seven, and a constant target of Fred and George’s pranks. You have gone from Gryffindor prefect to Head Boy, to sycophantic ministry worker. Finally, you realized that family is important, and you have come back to help in the final battle.


Role Powers
-Puking Pastilles: You don't mess with the Weasleys. As it has been know, the Weasleys don't tolerate having a family member killed easily, and certainly, not without some type of payback. Fred found a way to modify some of the Puking Pastilles so that they are a little more harmful than harmless, mainly to use against those out to kill.
As a team, you will receive one use of the Puking Pastilles for each family member who is banished (max 2). When you receive your first use of it, the remaining family members will need to agree who to use it on. The second use will be given to whichever family member is left. To utilize this ability, PM me with the title “WW – Weasleys – Puking Pastilles,” and include the name of the person you would like to attack.

Starting Shield: 25%

Daily location required.

30.) Dobby
Alignment: House-Elves (neutral)
Race: House-Elf
Win Condition: You must complete your quest; then you will win if all evils are defeated.

As a horribly abused house-elf you want nothing more than to get away from your evil masters, the – Dobby is a bad elf! Dobby must punish himself. All you need for your freedom is to be presented with clothing…


Quest: You desperately need someone to give you a sock. Until another player gives you a sock, you have no powers.

Role Powers
Sacrifice: So thrilled to be free, you're willing to help out anyone you can, even to the point of putting yourself in danger for them. Every night, you can select a person to guard. If that person is attacked, you will bear the brunt of the attack, protecting them from all harm, but potentially sacrificing yourself in the process. Every day, submit a PM with the title "WW - Dobby - Sacrifice - Night X" and include a list of up to 5 players. The person closest to the top of the list will be protected.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily location required.

31.) Kreacher
Alignment: House-Elves (neutral)
Race: House-Elf
Win Condition: You must complete your quest; then you will win if all evils are defeated.

You are the aged house-elf serving the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, and you can’t stand all the Mudbloods, and nasty Blood Traitors. Even worse, you have been sent to Hogwarts and are forced to serve the nasty Blood Traitor. If only your dear sweet mistress or Master Regulus was still around…


Quest: You would rather keep a grimy house and gripe about the horrible people who have taken over your master’s home. However, if you can convince someone to give you the shiny locket, your heart will change and you will receive your role powers.

Role Powers
-Cook: Now that you have a good reason to make good food, you do. Twice during the game, you may cook up an awesome meal for someone, boosting their shield 30%. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Kreacher – Cook” and include the name of the person you wish to boost. This will happen as soon as the PM is received.
-Kitchen Knife: Like so many of your fellow elves, you know that a kitchen knife can come in handy in many situations. Once during the game, you may use said knife to attack someone. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Kreacher – Knife” and include the name of the person you would like to attack. This will happen as soon as the PM is received.

Starting Shield: 30%

Daily location required.

32.) Nearly-Headless Nick
Alignment: Nick (neutral)
Race: Ghost
Win Condition: You must complete your quest; then you will win if you are still alive with the last team standing (innocent or evil).

You have been dead for over 500 years, and your head is still hanging in there. Why, oh why couldn’t they have properly sharpened the axe and just killed you in one swift stroke? In either case, your overwhelming ambition is to get rid of that last half inch and join the Headless Hunt.


Quest: Your goal is to petition the Headless Hunt for membership. You need to get 15 players to sign this petition, no more than 3 per cycle. Once a player agrees to sign the petition, you will need to instruct them to submit a PM to the mods, titled “WW – (their name) – Nick’s Petition,” and stating they will sign for you.

Starting Shield: 40%

Daily location required.

33.) Peeves
Alignment: Peeves (innocent)
Race: Poltergeist
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Unlike the ghosts, you are not the soul of a departed witch or wizard. Instead, you have one aim in existence: CHAOS! (and of course, avoiding the Bloody Baron).


Role Powers
-Chaos: You thrive on chaos, so why not cause it while you can? Every night, you may swap the sleeping places of two different people. To do so, submit a PM with the title “WW – Peeves – Chaos – Night X” and include two lists (list A and list B) of up to 5 people each. The person closest to the top of list A will be swapped with the person closest to the top of list B.

Starting Shield: 25%

Daily lists required (location and powers).

34.) Dean Thomas
Alignment: The DA (innocent)
Race: Human, half-blood
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Having grown up thinking you were just an ordinary boy, you were surprised to find out that you indeed were a wizard. You harbor a certain amount of resentment for your true father, who abandon you and your mother when you were very young, but now that you’re older and you’ve faced more challenges, you feel more compassion for the man.


Role Powers
-Heir: You will inherit the role of the first person to die. This is automatic, and you will receive a PM with your new role.

Starting Shield: 20%

Daily location required.

35.) Pansy Parkinson
Alignment: Inquisitorial Squad (evil)
Race: Human, Pure-blood
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
Draco -xxxx (spokesperson)

It's not that you aren't a nice person. It's that you're only nice to the people who deserve it. Like Draco. People who can't stand up for themselves certainly don't have your respect. You take life quite seriously, doing what you can to survive while still accomplishing whatever tasks you set out to do.


Role Powers
-Poisoned Mead: Every night, you may quite sneakily poison someone’s favorite drink in attempt to kill them. To do so, the spokesperson must submit a PM with the title “WW – Squad – Mead – Night X” and include a list of up to 5 players. The player closest to the top of the list will be poisoned.

Starting Shield: 65%

Daily location required.

Imperious Conversion role:
Fenrir Greyback
Alignment: Death Eater (evil)
Race: Werewolf
Win Condition: Be the last remaining team alive
ginny-ROX -Bellatrix
Princess Miyu -Crouch, Jr.

Blood purity can go take a hike for all you care. All you want is to spread the disease you are inflicted with. To the Death Eaters, you are nothing more than a blackmail and punishment tool, but you know what? That's fine. It just gives you more victims.


Role Powers
- Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of death. Each day, the spokesperson should submit a PM with the subject “WW – Death Eaters – Dementors – Night X” and a list of 5 players. The person closest to the top will be attacked.
-Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists.

Personal Power
-Werewolf bite: Once during the game, you may choose to attempt to bite another player, attacking them. To do so, submit a PM with the subject "WW - Greyback - Bite - Day X" and include the name of the person you would like to attack.

Starting Shield: 30%

Alignment: House-Elves (innocent)
Race: House-Elf
Win Condition: Defeat all evils

Clothes! Disgraceful! Who cares if there's cleaning to be done! You have no honor, no dignity. All you want to do is go huddle in the kitchens with a bottle of butterbeer...


Role Powers
Butterbeer: Your strange addiction to Butterbeer leads you to hide out in the kitchen every odd night, trying to keep hidden so that Dobby doesn't find you and take your Butterbeer away. Every odd night, you will NOT need to submit a location, and will be untargetable.

Starting Shield: 25%

Daily location required on even nights only.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:03 am 
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Game log, in spoilers (it's huge):
Pre-Execution Day 1 required lists:

May’s Bingo Board:
Blake - Rubywinged - Rissa - Lee
Crazy - Typhoon - Pink - Ella
Siniri - Ammer - Christopher - ginny-ROX
warlaxo - Regan - Bruces galore - Missy!

Ella’s Horocrux Crutch List:
2.Jas-> Anvil

Laryxler joins warxelo and Blake with love potion.

Christopher chooses innocent and receives innocent role powers.

Miyu uses Imperious on Rox. Rox becomes Greyback.

Execution, Day 1:
No execution

Night 1:

Location events (shield related):
- Bruces galore gets 10% shield boost
- Rissa loses 10% shield

Alex stalks fzun
Hansy swaps Princess Miyu and Rox
Siniri protects warxelo
Angisfab protects Pink
Rubywinged protects Pixa.
Helena heals Rox ==> redirected to Miyu

Ella attacks Ruby. Shield = 35%, random number = 30
Squad attacks Christopher. Shield = 50%, random number = 70; dies. 1st to die, so his role is heired to Ooga. Half-beloved Prince role power fails because of this.
DE attacks Missy. Shield = 25%, random number = 88; dies. Weasley family gets 1 puking pastille power.

Byakuya San dreams Lee = not voldy
Typhoon dreams Crazy = not kids
Warxelo dreams ginny-ROX = DE
Blake dreams Jas. Random number = 56 <75. Dream successful. Lines= 12, random number = 4 "Win Condition: You must complete your quest; then you will win if all evils are defeated."
Regan doubles Byakuya San
DM sends Helena Decoy Detonator
Lee sends Rachel away.

Location events (items related):
-Typhoon receives sorting hat
-Pink receives old diary

Day 2 events:
Helena accepts package – receives Decoy Detonator
Pink drops diary on thread – Siniri picks up
Helena uses Decoy Detonator – Pink and ginny-ROX both loose 10% shield
Rubywinged signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 1
Tanner puts on hat.

Execution, Day 2:
ginny-ROX: Shield = 75%, random number = 13. Shield drops 30% to 45%.

Night 2:

Location events (shield related):
- Bruces galore gets 10% shield boost
- Siniri loses 10% shield

Rachel gone
Alex tracks ginny-ROX
Hansy swaps no one
Siniri protects Ruby
Angisfab protects Ruby
Rubywinged protects Sinir
Helena heals no one

Ella attacks ginny-ROX; Shield = 45% random number = 87, dies.
Squad attacks no one (Rachel gone)
DE attacks Alex; Shield = 30% Random number= 21. Shield drops 15% to 15%.

Byakuya San dreams Sinir and May = not Voldy
Typhoon dreams Larxyler = not IS
Warxelo dreams Byakuya = not DE
Blake dreams DM . Random number = 57. Dream successful. Lines = 25, random number = 12. "WWW – Night X” and include the gift you’d like to give and a list of up to 5 players. The person closest to the top of the list will be offered the gift box."

Regan doubles warxelo
Lee sends no one
DM offers Decoy Detonator to Pink.
Siniri sends diary to Byakuya San

Location events (items related):
-Ruby gets fake locket
-Bruces galore gets black sock
-Miyu gets library advice: “Some items are only good for quests.”

Day 3:
Pink accepts package – receives Decoy Detonator
Pink uses Decoy Detenator – DM was on fire and Bruces galore both lose 10% shield
Byakuya San destroyes the diary – Reward: 35% shield boost power (Firebolt)
Helena signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 2
May signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 3

Execution, Day 3:

No execution

Night 3:

Location events (shield related):
- Blake gets 10% shield boost
- no one loses 10% shield

Alex tracks Rachel
Hansy swaps Ruby and Rox (Christopher)
Siniri protects Ruby ==> redirected to Rox (Christopher)
Angisfab protects Ruby ==> Redirected to Rox (Christopher)
Rubywinged protects Ange
Helena heals Susannahmio

Ella attacks Pixa Shield = 25% random number = 54, dies. Remaining Weasley receives 2nd puking pastille.
DE attacks Bruces galore Shield = 40% Random number= 1. Shield drops 15% to 25%.
Squad attacks no one.

Byakuya San dreams Blake = not Voldy
Typhoon dreams Ammer = not IS
Warxelo dreams crazy = DE and Alex= not DE
Blake dreams Rachel. Random number =90. Dream failed. 90>75

Regan disables May
Lee sends no one
DM offers Shield hat to Christopher redirected to Ruby
Item Transfers: Siniri gives sock to Anvil

Location events (items related):
-fzun gets cup
-Dyl gets ring
-Typhoon gets real locket

Day 4:
Rubywinged keeps locket, drops package, Rachel picks up
Anvil accepts sock – Reward: role powers
Bruces galore signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 4
fzun drop cup, Susannahmio picks up
Typhoon destroys real locket – Reward: “Eat slugs” curse

Execution, Day 4:
Crazy: Shield = 75%, random number = 73; survives, shield goes down 30% to 45%

Night 4:

Location events (shield related):
- Moongewl gets 10% shield boost
- Ruby loses 10% shield

Alex tracks Rachel
Hansy swaps Bruces galore and thetrueoogabooga
Siniri protects Bruces galore ==> thetrueoogabooga
Angisfab protects Jas
Rubywinged protects Bruces galore ==> thetrueoogabooga
Anvil guards Blake
Helena heals Alex

Ella attacks Rachel Shield = 95% random number = 71; survives, shield drops 15% to 80%
Squad attacks Bruces galore ==> thetrueoogabooga Attack misses due to protection.
DE attacks DM Shield = 40% Random number= 70, dies.

Byakuya San dreams Ammer = not Voldy
Typhoon dreams Helena = not IS
Warxelo dreams Larxlyer = not DE
Blake dreams Byakuya San. Random number =20. Dream successful. Lines =16, random number =6. “stuck in situations that force you to act like one. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, either. Everyone thinks you’re a miracle, but you really feel you’re just a”

Regan doubles Susannahmio
Twiz sends Bruces galore==>thetrueoogabooga
Item Transfers? none

Location events (items related):
- Sorting hat goes to Twinkle
- Library information goes to Alex: "Not all players are baddies or innocents."

Day 5:
Typhoon uses “Eat slugs” curse on Rachel – Shield = 80%, random number = 48; survives. Shield drops 15% to 65%.
Fzun sends a message to Alex.
Rachel sends Shield Hat to Alex – Alex is made Rachel’s heir
Pink uses FiendFyre on Rubywinged and Bruces galore
-Ruby: Shield = 10%, random number = 78, Ruby dies.
-Bruces: Shield = 15%, random number = 33, Bruces dies.
Ange picks up the shiny locket off the thread (previously held by Rubywinged)

Execution, Day 5:
crazy's shield = 45%. random number = 17. lives, loses 30% shield giving him a 15% shield.
Rachel's shield = 65%, random number = 81. Rachel dies. Role heired off to Alex.

Night 5:

Location events (shield related):
-Dyl gets 10% shield boost
-Miyu loses 10% shield

Ooga gone
Hansy swaps Alex and fzun
Siniri protects Alex
Angisfab protects Miyu
Anvil guards no one
Helena heals no one

Ella attacks warlexo Shield = 35% random number = 25, survives – shield drops 15% to 20%
Squad attacks no one: list invalid due to spokesperson being killed.
DE attacks May Shield = 35% Random number= 6, survives, shield drops 15% to 20%

Byakuya San dreams Ooga = not Voldy
Typhoon dreams Susannahmio = not IS
Warxelo dreams Blake = not DE
Blake dreams no one

Regan doubles Pink
Twiz sends Jas
Rissa makes Polyjuice with Dyl’s hair -> finds out Dyl’s role title and that he has no night powers
Item Transfers:
Cup to Alex

Location events (items related):
- Philosopher’s stone goes to Regan.
- Forgetfulness Potion goes to Warxelo.

Day 6:
thetrueoogabooga resurrects Rubywinged

Execution, Day 6:
Crazy: Shield = 15%, random number = 58. Dies.

Night 6:

Night 6 is canceled due to lack of lists. Confusing potion used by thetrueoogabooga.
Ring is dropped on floor.
Jas comes back.
Ammer resurrects Dm is on fire

Day 7:
Ooga picks up ring
Anvil signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 5

Execution, Day 7:

No execution

Night 7:

Location events (shield related):
-Miyu gets 10% shield boost
-Regan loses 10% shield

Hansy swaps Rubywinged and fzun
Rubywinged protects Warxelo
Siniri protects Byakuya San
Angisfab protects Blake
Anvil guards no one
Helena heals no one

DE attacks Alex. Shield = 65% Random number= 34; survives – shield drops 15% to 50%
Ella attacks warxelo. Protected by Tonks.
Squad attacks Rubywingedfzun Shield = 65% Random number= 6; survives – shield drops 15% to 50%.

Byakuya San dreams Typhoon = not Voldy
Typhoon dreams Miyu = not IS
Warxelo dreams Rissa = not DE
Blake dreams Rubywinged. Random number =78. Dream fails.

Regan doubles Alex
Twiz sends Anvil
DM offers Typhoon a Smart-Answers Quill
Item Transfers: none

Location events (items related):
- Aging potion (gone bad) to Ange

Day 8:
Siniri signs Nick’s petition – current signees: 6
Tanner uses Quill on Ange to reveal role

Execution, Day 8:
No execution

Night 8:

Location events (shield related):
- Byakuya San gets 10% shield boost
-Ammer loses 10% shield

Anvil gone.
Hansy swaps Ruby and fzun
Siniri protects no one
Angisfab protects warxelo
Rubywinged protects warxelo
Anvil guards no one, gone
Helena heals no one

Ella attacks Ange. Shield =35 % random number = 26, survives, shield drops 15% to 20%
DE attacks Blake Shield = 40% Random number= 40, barely survives, shield drops 15% to 25%
Squad attacks Ange Shield = 20% Random number= 11, survives, shield drops 15% to 5%
Squad attacks Typhoon Shield = 35% Random number= 60, dies.

Byakuya San dreams Hansy = not Voldy
Warxelo dreams Dyl = not DE
Blake dreams Twinkle. Random number =54. Dream successful. Lines =25, random number =17 : : “Dementors: The Dementors agreed to assist with your cause. Every night, you can unleash them on a specific person, and they will go bestow the kiss of”

Regan disables Siniri
Lee sends Ammer
DM offers Ange: Decoy Detonator
Item Transfers:
Hat to Hansy
Ring to Twiz

Location events (items related):
- Ange gets Skelegrow potion
- Hansy gets Veriteserum
- Library advice to Ooga: "Almost all the items are gone."

Day 9:
Christopher attacks Ange – Shield = 5% Random number = 27, dies.
Fzun sends message to Blake.
Warxelo uses Forgetfulness potion on Twinkle. Twinkle converted to Winky (innocent)
Ange’s items dropped on thread (choice was still pending at time of death)
Pink gets fake locket, Ruby gets Aging Potion, warxelo gets Decoy Detonator, Moongewl gets Skelegrow potion
Twiz destroys ring, gets Deluminator as reward.
Hansy drops hat, picks up

Execution, Day 9:
No execution

Night 9:

Location events (shield related):
-Blake gets 10% shield boost
-Dyl loses 10% shield

Ammer gone
Hansy swaps Blake and fzun
Siniri protects no one - away
Rubywinged protects warxelo
Anvil guards Blake==>fzun
Helena heals Twiz

Ella attacks Laryxler. Shield = 30% random number =36; dies.
DE attacks Blake ==> fzun, protected by Anvil Anvil’s shield = 30% Random number= 54; Anvil dies
Squad attacks Princess Miyu. Shield = 100%, shield drops 15% to 85%.

Byakuya San dreams warxelo = not Voldy
Warxelo dreams Miyu = DE
Blake dreams Miyu. Random number =67. Dream successful. Lines =24, random number =23. “Starting Shield: 70%”

Regan doubles Miyu
Twiz sends Blake==>fzun
DM offers
Item Transfers
Locket to May

Location events (items related):
- Bludger to Twiz

Day 10:

Ammer rezzes Typhoon
Ruby uses Aging potion on Miyu, shield = 85%, random number =25, Miyu survives, shield drops 15% to 70%.
Twiz uses Bludger on Miyu, shield = 70%, random number = 37, Miyu survives shield drops 15% to 55%.
Warxelo uses Decoy Detonator on Miyu and Christopher each lose 10% shield.
Twiz signs Nick’s petition -- current signees: 7

Execution, Day 10:
Miyu, shield = 45%, random number = 48, Miyu dies.

Night 10:

Location events (shield related):
-no one gets 10% shield boost
-DM loses 10% shield

Fzun gone
Hansy swaps Typhoon and Regan
Siniri protects Blake
Rubywinged protects warxelo
Helena heals Moongewl

Ella attacks Blake. Shield = 50% random number = 78, blake and warxelo die.
DE attacks no one. Spokesperson was executed.
Squad attacks May Shield =20% random number=20, May barely survives, shield drops 15% to 5%.

Byakuya San dreams Ella = Voldy!!!!!!!!!!
Typhoon dreams Dyl = not IS

Regan doubles Typhoon==>Regan
Twiz sends Dyl
DM offers Hansy: Trick Wand
Item Transfers?
May gives locket to Jas; Jas gets powers.

Location events (items related):
- Library info to Regan: "Someone makes terrible target choices."

Day 11:
Ammer rezzes Blake

Execution, Day 11:
No execution.

Night 11:

Twiz uses deluminator; cancels all night events but dreaming; messes up Regan’s doubling.
Regan doubles Typhoon during night.
Typhoon dreams Rox (Christopher) and Lee (Twiz)
Blake dreams susannahmio, Random number =30, dream successful. Lines = 12, random number=4 “Win Condition: You must complete your quest; then you will win if you are still alive with the last team standing (innocent or evil).”

Day 12:
Hansy uses Veriteserum on Ooga’s statement: "I'm also a celebrity, so either the person who kills me dies, or the starter of the bandwagon dies."
Regan signs Nick’s petition -- current signees: 8

Execution, Day 12:
Ella: Shield = 120%. Survives, shield drops 30% to 90%.

Night 12:

Location events (shield related):
-Blake gets 10% shield boost
-DM loses 10% shield

Hansy swaps Tanner and Jas
Siniri protects May
Rubywinged protects Siniri
Helena heals Ella back to 100%

Ella attacks no one
DE attacks Dyl Shield = 25% random number =8, survives – shield drops 15% to 10%.
Squad attacks Typhoon==>Jas. Shield = 30%, random number= 75, dies

Typhoon dreams Pink = IS
Blake dreams Chris, Random number = 48, dream success. Lines = 23, random number = 18 "Spokesperson: Before execution Day 1, please decide on a spokesperson for your team. This person will be responsible for submitting your team lists."

Regan doubles no one.
Twiz sends Hansy
DM offers nothing
Item Transfers?
Skelegrow to Alex
Cup to Regan

Location events (items related):
- Library info to Alex: "There are no more horcruxes than the ones already out in circulation."

Day 13:
Regan drops Philosopher’s Stone, Alex picks up
Alex drops Skelegrow potion, Typhoon picks up
Typhoon uses Skelegrow potion to boost shield to 55%
Regan destroys cup, receives Mirror as reward.
Dyl uses Puking Pastille on Christopher. Shield = 20%, random number = 47, Christopher dies. Death Eaters are defeated.

Execution, Day 13:
Ella: Shield = 100%, survives, shield drops 30% to 70%
Pink: Shield =75%, random number = 42, survives, shield drops 30% to 45%

Night 13:

Location events (shield related):
-Ruby gets 10% shield boost
-Twiz loses 10% shield

Twinkle and Hansy gone.
Hansy swaps no one - away
Siniri protects Tanner
Rubywinged protects Siniri
Helena heals May

Ella attacks Typhoon. Shield =55% random number = 98, dies
Squad attacks Blake. Shield =40% random number= 47, dies.
==>May gets bingo and powers.

Regan doubles Alex
Twiz sends fzun
DM offers nothing
Item Transfers: none

Location events (items related):

Day 14:
May rezzes Typhoon.
Typhoon signs Nick’s petition -- current signees: 9

Execution, Day 14:
Ella shield = 70%, number = 80, dies.
Pink shield = 45%, number = 58, dies.
No horocruxes left. Voldemort is defeated.

Night 14:

Location events (shield related):
-Ammer gets 10% shield boost
-Moongewl loses 10% shield

Fzun gone.
Hansy swaps Typhoon and May
Siniri protects Typhoon ==> May
Rubywinged protects Typhoon ==> May
Helena heals Typhoon ==> May

Squad attacks Typhoon ==> May protected by bingo protection and Siniri
Squad attacks Hansy. Shield =25% random number=46, dies.

Typhoon dreams Rissa = IS

Regan doubles/disables no one
Twiz sends May ==> Typhoon
DM offers nothing
Item Transfers: none

Location events (items related):
- none

Day 15:
Ammer, fzun, and Byakuya San sign Nick’s petition -- current signees: 12
May uses Quaffle on Dyl: shield = 10%, number = 25, dies.

Execution, Day 15:
Rissa: shield = 70%, number =58, survives. Shield drops 30% to 40%.

Night 15:

Location events (shield related):
-Moongewl gets 10% shield boost
-Ammer loses 10% shield

Twinkle and Typhoon gone.
Siniri protects Helena
Helena heals Siniri

Squad attacks May. Bingo protection still in effect.

Typhoon dreams no one – away.

Regan doubles May
Twiz sends Byakuya San
DM offers Patented Daydream to May
Item Transfers: none

Location events (items related):
- none

Day 16:
Moongewl signs Nick’s petition -- current signees: 13
May dreams Moongewl=IS and Ooga=innocent.
Dropped Hansy’s trick wand, May takes
Ooga and Alex sign Nick’s petition, completing Susannahmio’s quest for 15 petitioners.
May uses trick wand to add 2 votes to Moongewl

Execution, Day 16:
Rissa: Shield = 40%, random number = 61, dies
Moongewl: Shield = 100%. Survives, shield drops 30% to 70%

Night 16:

Location events (shield related):
-fzun gets 10% shield boost
-no one loses 10% shield

Byakuya San gone.
Siniri protects Typhoon.
Helena heals no one

Squad attacks Typhoon. Protected by Siniri.

Typhoon dreams Alex = IS.

Regan doubles Typhoon
Twiz sends Twinkle
Item Transfers: none

Location events (items related):
- none

Day 17:
Alex drops Philosopher’s Stone. Regan picks up, drops mirror. Typhoon picks up mirror.
Siniri puts on Sorting Hat.

Execution, Day 17:
Alex and Moongewl commit veilicide.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:11 am 
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Wow! Thanks to all those people that protected me!

I was so trusting, Alex... Come to think of it, I told you everything... :roll:

This reminds of my last Werewolf game a few years ago.. This guy I was talking to was innocent, then had been rez-converted, eventually ended up killing me.

ETA: And I shouldnt've outed myself on the thread. Oh well, the deed is done.

(Steal the rhythm while you can.)

Last edited by Blake on Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:16 am 
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Wow, that was a fun game.

Kudos to Pickles and averly for running such a wicked WW game. It's been a while since I've played and it was definitely a fun experience :)

And I'd like to add, why didn't anyone try and attack me? I feel so unwanted.

Set by Medli

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:17 am 
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Great game! I wish I had known Regan was Hermione, then we probably would have been able to find out about Ella a LOT sooner. Oh well, we still won. *cheers*


 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:22 am 
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That was a really cool game! I wish I had lived longer though xD

I knew ella was evil! :P

It's ironic that out of everyone to randomly put together I chose two dreamer-esque roles

set by ppt Secret Santa!

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:24 am 
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Aww, thanks yall! Glad yall enjoyed it!

Favorite moments from my side:
-Voldy killing Bellatrix. :lol:
-Ron using the slug charm on Draco. :roflol:
-Alex getting converted so early, being doubled twice, and STILL making it 11 days without anyone casting suspicion on I've got to hand it to her, she did an excellent job.
-I was very sad when Jas (Kreacher) died before I got to write her daykill.
-Twinkle's conversion. Seriously. Lucius Malfoy to Winky. o_O
-Very amused by the night Hansy died. There was almost nothing he didn't manage to touch that night. It truly was Peeve's best night.
-Regan managed to double herself through Hansy. :o
-The fact that for *so* long in the game, y'all had the teams kill methods wrong. Kept wanting to just scream, uhm. No. So I screamed to averly and a few of the baddies (who just laughed at their ingeniousness)
-Ella claiming to be the bus driver, Peeves. And not getting caught until she was dreamed. Not sure how that one worked. Still.
-Alex picking up the Philosopher's Stone. I just winced.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:48 am 
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Pickles wrote:
-Regan managed to double herself through Hansy. :o

I thought that was great. I was so confused when you told me that my role was doubled :lol:

Pickles wrote:
-Alex picking up the Philosopher's Stone. I just winced.

That, too, was great. I was telling Alex that she had to stalk the thread to pick up the stone when I dropped it, because I didn't want it going to a baddie. This is why you are so awesome, Alex :P . And I knew that there was a Draco.

I had so many lol moments during this game. Thank you Averly and Pickles!!!

I also enjoyed reading the log. No one targeted me, except for Hansy. Hemione, forgotten about again :P . I was pretty shocked to see that my role doubling was helpful. I was getting frustrated because I wasn't seeing any results in the thread. Hence the complete random use of Expelliarmus.

[Manufactured by Byakuya San]

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:03 am 
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Thanks for the fun times, Pickles and Averly. My first WW game was awesome, and I can't wait to play it again.

Alex, why on earth didn't you kill me? You even shared my role with other known innocents (after you were converted, I'm pretty sure)... I was frustrated that the first 2 times I was able to protect someone, they got swapped with someone else. At least I could keep Typhoon safe long enough to expose Alex, though.

Pickles, I'm also sad we missed seeing Kreacher's daykill. Ankles beware! Great job, Pickles and averly. How on earth were you guys able to keep track of it all?

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:18 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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We had more pressing matters. Like, the two dreamers that could expose me XD Then I put you second on a list when I meant to put you first (cue Moonie PMing me asking what the heck?)

Will post more later - about to run out to the shops.

In all honesty, I think I could've lasted 4-5 more days. Sure, you all would've known I was evil, but I had a shield. And then a stone. But I wanted the game over XD

Gone, forever.

 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:23 am 
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Siniri wrote:
How on earth were you guys able to keep track of it all?
A very huge excel sheet (we each had one - mine for shields/items/lists, averly's for shields/items/locations), and a VERY huge full-log document, which I spent the better part of today condensing to the "short" version I posted above. We did, admittedly, have a few minor mix-ups :oops: , but nothing hugely game-effecting. With all the items, lists, locations, and players, I'm surprised we didn't run into any more.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:20 am 
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Thanks for hosting Pickles and Averly!

I KNEW you lied about your Dream 'result' Blake, and I even said it.
I think there maybe should've been a counter to the Double Agent, or one less dreamer. Essentially we had three dreamers able to out our team. :(

Thank you. :)

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