I'm really interested in this. I'm a bit miffed to not have been chosen for the beta (I notice those cads over at Jellyneo got invites - not that I'm bitter or anything

) but the Battledome has been in dire need for a revamp for a long time. I hope it's more than just an art change, though, and some of the mechanics are improved - a rebalancing of faerie abilities, a proper use for agility, and make the billion or so useless weapons actually good for something.
The Battledome has been largely ignored for years. When it came out, there were only eight worlds - no Meridell, Lost Desert, Altador, &c. - and only thirty-nine Neopet species.¹ Petpets couldn't even be painted at that time. Since then, we've seen the introduction of Neopet customisation (April 2007), the introduction and discontinuation of the trading card game (2003-2006), and three separate versions of Destruct-o-Match.
The Battledome code dates back from a time before the Euro (2002), the completion of the Human Genome Project (2003), and the 'Boxing Day' tsunami (2004). It is three years older than Facebook and four years older than Youtube.
The Battledome is dead, long live the Battledome.
¹That's approximately right, I don't have an exact date for the full release of the Battledome. It was just before the
Tyrannian Invasion, though beta testing had begun in 2000. I realised in checking this that although the Tonu was released in February 2002, over ten years ago, I still think of it as 'one of the new pets'.