Gloat: met my March bank goal 5 days early thanks to selling 33k shares of SSS. Woot! (My monthly bank goals are based on FC, Trudy, and stocks only, and they're basically a way for me to keep track of how many years before I reach my eventual goal of being able to pay for my FC bets entirely with my daily interest... I didn't hit February's goal until more than a week into March, too, because I had no stock sales in February and had invested heavily in quest items.)
(And yes, I did mean years for my long-term bank goal... It takes a lot of NP to make my bets each day!)
Edit: I've already made nearly 33k from the wheel boon today thanks to a morphing potion from Excitement. Woot!
Funny RE during my winning spin:
Nigel the Stockbroker Chia says "Have you considered investing in [TEFV]?"
I've bought stocks nearly every single day throughout nearly my entire time on Neopets, and I'd never heard of TEFV before... Sure enough, it's one of the bankrupted stocks you can't buy! So no, Nigel, I haven't considered it....

...And I just won over 400k from Food Club. Double woot!
Edit: Day 6, and I'm nearing 100k from the wheels (of course, I was 2 days ago, too, and I've basically broken even for the past 36 hours -- though ~14 of those were spent sleeping, of course).
Just won 2k from buried treasure here: ... ml?207,242Edit: I just sold my second paint brush languishing in my SDB. Between great FC luck, a stock sale, and these paint brush sales, I've now surpassed my May bank goal halfway through April (even my modified May goal based on beating March's goal). I've reduced the time needed to reach my long-term goal (see above) by a month. And that's despite spending half a million on a stamp yesterday and starting to restock quest items in my SDB in anticipation of next year's Faerie Quest event.
Edit: While seeing what else I could sell from my SDB, I realized the grumblebug I have would work perfectly with my pirate poppit. I got out all my pant devil attractors and 213 other junk items (the bug was item 217 in my inventory). After a short time of refreshing, the grumblebug disappeared. I was thinking I got lucky and it attached quickly, but nope -- the pant devil snagged it.

Why do I have to have the kind of rare luck that lets me hit the less than 0.5% probability option? All I can say is a big fat *grumblecakes* (or should that be *grumblebug*?) and goodbye to the 250k (that I never actually spent...). Don't know when I'll be bothered to buy another one. I'm coming up on a million NP lost in the last few days. *sigh*
P.S. Someone else really needs to gloat or cry here already!