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 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:19 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I'm going to ask about the island builder AC thing here. I'm now stuck on the quest to make the strawberry paintbrush. The only place I've found the blueprint for the blank paintbrush is in the shop, and it costs 2000 neggs. I have less than half that and have no idea how to earn more (I will not spend real money). Is there anything I can do? (I've spun the wheel and done what daily tasks I can. The YYBs were giving more than I was spending to get around the "full" HQ, but the last set of four hardly gave me any, so it was a net loss.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:51 pm 
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I haven't spent any real money yet, for sure. There should have been a paint brush base given to you as part of the quest, I thought? I don't remember having to get one. Maybe I got it from a daily reward? When I went to the customization building (Skippi's Paint Shop), I just made the strawberry essence, and then combined it with the paint brush base for it there. Strawberry essence is: Mortar & Pestle (rock + coconut) and Strawberry (berry + straw).

The yellow yooyuballs give out medals plus some neggs (either pearly or crystal). The reds give out ONLY medals. I've been trying my best to open as many yellows as I can. A trick I've found: if your HQ is full, and you attempt to collect more red yooyuballs, do not choose the option to open - instead don't, and they *poof*. This give you more of a chance for a yellow one to spawn. I've mostly been using the "watch the ad" to (which activates at 15m 59 seconds on the timer) to get yooyuballs open faster.

The only other things you can do to get pearly neggs are to spin the wheel and complete the daily quests for the neopets. They'll pop up and ask you for things and give you pearly neggs in return. The new "day" starts at 5PM NST. Some of those quests give out a LOT of pearly neggs (others give as few as 8 - it seems to be based on how hard it is to obtain the item, or if it's one you have to craft, etc). As far as I know, aside from ones you get for completing plot steps, the only other way to get them is to buy them with crystal neggs or real money, which I'm definitely not doing.

Just as a heads up, as you progress in the game, it turns into a lot more hurry up and wait. I'm currently waiting on an amenity building that takes 23 hours and 30 minutes to build. I have another blueprint for a different one that will take that long as well, waiting to be built.

I should tackle AC. If I get some done now, I'll have less to do later this evening?

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:40 am 
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Nice job, Pickles!

TNT wrote:
Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 4883 Neopoints!

Dropped Rizzard in favor of Dingo, keeping all others.

Keeping SenorMalo for star player.


 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:04 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Thanks, Pickles! I'm still trying to unlock the HQ like Blue, so it's always "full." I suspect I can't watch ads until I get it? But I'll reject the red YYBs from now on.

I definitely never got a paintbrush base. So frustrating. Like, if you want me to progress, guarantee that I can! I haven't been spending neggs on anything.
Haha, I just logged back in to see my daily quests, and the daily rewards had rolled over. Guess what I got?

I'm still 28 buildings away from the HQ. I've already hit a 3-hour one, so hopefully some are faster.
I started getting the AC quests, and after buying the YYB, I was able to go to the HQ through a link even though I hadn't built it yet. I opened one and have to wait 30 minutes. I didn't see where you can watch a video to decrease the time.

I still haven't looked at the staff tourney. Maybe tomorrow. I'm on the ugliest shield and have to move on to the second ugliest before bed.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

Last edited by Siniri on Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:32 am 
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I seem to be progressing OK in the app/game, despite the game not keeping good track of opened Yooyuballs. If the time remaining is less than 15 minutes, you can watch an ad to expedite the open. I did that last night (while watching tv) at least 8 times and had over 30 YYBs opened. This morning, I had 24... Grr.

Oh, I apparently already had the HQ. Either I forgot I made it or did not realize what it was... It's the crab-looking thing just below/right of the crabulator blueprint board.

As far as progress, I just built the ship for the crotchety captain guy and stabbed him with gave him the scissors. What a jerk. Now, making benches, bushes and trees for the Ruki. It is fun, but a serious time-suck.


 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:25 am 
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@Siniri - glad you finally got a paint brush base!

The ad-watching only happens when the timer ticks down to just under 16 minutes for me. It won't show the option to watch an ad until after that. After that, it'll give you an option to watch an ad or pay in crystal neggs to get it open faster - or you can wait the full 30 minutes. I don't think the yellow ones give out more than 10 crystal neggs at most (I think? Sometimes only 5) but they seem to give up to at least 150 pearly neggs.

If you have weirdness with the yooyuballs (like, if it doesn't show the right number available or shows you another one can be opened immediately opening one), restart the app.

@Blue - the crotchety Eyrie makes you craft a lot of things. A LOT. He gets pretty irritating after a while.

I made it to rank 13 today. I'm still ahead of where I need to be to make it to All Star.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:40 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Wait, my post got eaten. When I did my dailies last night, the hat and stamp were in my inventory!

Is there anything else you can win from the event (or anything else) on Neo? If not, I don't see a reason to continue.

Also I finished on rank 18 last night after doing 3.5x max. If I triple max today, I should hit AS with plenty of time to share. (There's a ton going on in my personal life right now, but to make a long story short, I'm quarantining after an intense exposure in a construction zone. But I'm at 65 hours after the end of the exposure and still symptom-free with two negative tests (the last yesterday morning). The plus side is it gave me plenty of time to do the AC and get the stamp. Quarantine ends Saturday, and I get a break from construction today as the plaster cures.)

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:41 pm 
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The forum thanks you for the delicious post. It says, "Please send more" :lol:

I have not played YYB, SS, SoS or MSN since last week. Too much going on. If I play 12 more YYB, I can at least achieve level 1. Maybe I will.

I am still collecting YYBs and just finished building the Negg Tree. Up to a whopping 45-ish opened now. Working towards 200 in case the YY Plushie transfers.
Pickles wrote:
@Blue - the crotchety Eyrie makes you craft a lot of things. A LOT. He gets pretty irritating after a while.
"After a while"? He irritated me quickly from the get-go. No matter, Crotchety Smurf seems happy enough for now, since the Negg tree is done.


 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 3:01 am 
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Glad you got the stamp, Siniri!
Siniri wrote:
Is there anything else you can win from the event (or anything else) on Neo? If not, I don't see a reason to continue.

Crystal Plateau Dacardian Shield for completing the Crystal Plateau quests and Power Gem Background for completing the Mystic Jungle quests. I have already received the Power Gem Background, so I can confirm these are still active.

@Blue - I don't think the Yooyu will transfer, but it is still really cute to watch it chase your pet around in game.

At least Zerix (the Crystal Plateau NPC) isn't quite as demanding. Instead, he just wants people staying away from his ship.

I'm almost to rank 14. Like, if I played 2 more YYB games I'd get there. But I like doing them in increments of 5 and I'm too tired for 5 more tonight. So...rank 14 tomorrow.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:51 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I managed Allstar today. Woot woot! Still need to do staff tourney.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 6:21 pm 
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Siniri wrote:
I managed Allstar today. Woot woot! Still need to do staff tourney.


I'm rank 14. Thought I'd get some games in today, but the Captchas are eating my games left and right. I think I'll hold off until maybe the boards say it's gotten better...because refreshing SOSD every 10 games (if I'm lucky I can get that many in before it starts eating them) is getting really old.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 6:59 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I had some captcha issues late Friday, but they completely derailed me yesterday. I reached a point where literally nothing was sending. Apparently playing the AC in Chrome might work better. I only had a few minutes to try, and it was awful - midsized game windows and awful frame dropping that would cause migraines (I only looked at SOSD). Hopefully I can get it to work before tomorrow.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 11:38 pm 
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Captchas finally settled down some Friday, but they were AWFUL yesterday. I was losing basically every score in SOSD - sometimes it'd give me 10 in a row that would work and then die again. Then I finally had a beautiful over 230 game streak of no issues before I hit a captcha. I was scared to refresh (I usually do every 50 or so games) because I didn't want to fall back into it not working anymore. I was also able to get a few games of YYB in later. I made it to rank 15, and should hit rank 16 tomorrow, assuming everything goes all right.

I am quickly running out of things to do in Island Builders. I finally got to the point where I could make a robot paint brush...and it doesn't work any more than the fire one I used on my Shoyru. Sigh. I should screenshot both and send it in as a bug report. Tomorrow, maybe. I did, however, notice they've done a small update. The YYBs now have a "discard" option instead of "not now" ("discard" being more accurate than "not now"), and that now if you collect another YYB or discard one, it fixes the issues within the HQ. Still, sometimes you have to shut down/restart if you don't have any to collect and it glitches, but it's definitely better.

Don't forget to reselect for Staff Tournament!

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:32 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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I did that but didn't have access to it to report my changes (I only changed the two in the first group to the highest scoreless from the first round. That meant I lost my star player choice, so I switched to Binary.) I could go and do some more island builders, but I took a break from screens today. Too much IRL stuff to do.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Altador Cup XVII (2022)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:30 pm 
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I am SO DONE with the Captchas. It's almost unplayable when they go nuts like they have been in the last 24 hours. I'm losing almost half (if not more?) of my SOSD games, making it take a ridiculous amount of time to play...until I get the "magic streak" where it keeps letting me send scores for literally hundreds of games in a row, at which point, I play continuously until I either max out or finally hit a captcha fail. Unfortunately, it's hard to catch those magic streaks. Sigh. At any rate, I'm rank 17 (hopefully 18 by the end of the day today if I can get my scores to send) and still well ahead schedule. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to make All Star by end of day Friday, at which point we have the two-day break before finals.

I am pleased with the fact that the Rooligans are actually doing okay this year. We might not be first bracket, but we're definitely solid in the second one!

Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 5300 Neopoints!
Senor Malo upped his game, but was still behind Weirdough. Kikocat disappointed by not doing quite as well, and Iceman edged her out. I'm keeping Kikocat (she's been consistent in the past) but as much as I want to keep Senor Malo, he's getting replaced by Weirdough. Switched back to Binary Supagoo for star player.

On the Island Builders front,
I've finished the Crystal Plateau (except for a quest chain that I am refusing to go pay 4,000 pearly neggs for a roller base and am hoping the price will reset back down to 2,000 at some point like it did before). I'm in no giant hurry as I've been saving Crystal Neggs in case there's another "special offer" after the quest that I want to take advantage of (I have done so with several of the packs at this point). I'm hoping for another chance at a couple of roller bases, as it has you build like, 3 duplexes all of the sudden, and I don't want them all the same color. I've also hit the max level (15), so I'm not in a hurry to upgrade anything, though I have plenty of resources to do so. Since I have all of my houses in one area, my little village is now HUGE and takes up quite a chunk of the area it's in. I'm starting to explore some of the various items you can make to decorate more, but at the moment, I'm mostly just waiting for the roller price to drop and harvesting as many gold YYBs as I can for the neggs they give. I'm also building the remaining amenities that take 23 hours 30 minutes while I wait, if only so I can complete all of the daily quests.

I should unlock the Techo at 5pm NST tonight. Hoping for an Air Intuition, as I still have neither of those two. It's weird how random the assignments of elements and attributes are. Mr. P has two that are identical. I'm glad that didn't happen to me, at least!

I am thoroughly amused, though, with the halo hat that I put on my glitched fire Shoyru. Since she's glitched a slightly yellowish white (as compared to a bluish white that the robot paint brush causes - there is a difference) she looks like a little angel and it is SO adorable. I have not reported the glitches yet, if only because I kinda don't want her fixed since I like the way she is so much and there's currently no white paint brush (ironically enough). On a different note, if you put a hat on the Aisha, her tall ears end up being smooshed behind down her back, and apparently you cannot take a hat off after you've saved it. Wish I'd know that before.

Mr. P and BLP are now playing (have both gotten to the point of getting the stamp - we set up BlueStacks for BLP, and it runs well enough, even if it's slow to load). It's definitely easier to control on a phone than with a mouse, but it is what it is. What I have learned from them playing is that the daily rewards are the same for everyone, regardless of your actual happiness level at present (which always shows up as a sad face despite my town happiness bar being almost filled).

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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