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 Post subject: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:00 am 
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New Split! Original thread here
Split 2 is here

For the full guide on the Tutorial quests, click here.
The OG OP is updated with the latest info.

BlueEdit: For full disclosure, I did the split, but Pickles gets the OP so she can change it if needed.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 4:01 am 
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This week... Another fish Negg plushie! :o


 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 3:04 pm 
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Wow, Blue. You just keep hitting them! I am happy with my new prize, as it was definitely on my make sure to get list. No re-rolling this week! And as an added bonus, one of my quests gave me a negg.

I might have to outright buy the album items at some point, but I'm not there yet.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 11:17 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Just got the goodie bag yesterday. Today's weekly prize is qBlue Wocky Gummy Straw. It's worth 1250 NP. All but one of my daily prizes are worth more than that, so I'm planning to not collect the muddy hat daily prize so I can get a better weekly prize. Unless I forget and accidentally collect it....

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 7:32 pm 
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So, while I was dealing with my oldest being at the ER from having to use an epipen last night (I wish this was a joke but it's not), TNT announced this:
Heads up Neopians! The prize pools for the Quest Log are about to get an update. So be sure to complete your quests and keep an eye out for some fresh prizes on 6/3!
I had gotten 0 of the 5 album items I wanted for my album. Sigh. Prices on everything went nuts last night. I attempted to try and catch some of the auctions but no such luck. One of my kiddos made me a hard sell on the coconut this morning, but I still need the Battle Slices Stamp, Lord Kass Stamp, The Three Stamp and Wherfy Collectable Charm. Of course, I had planned on going through and buying the ones I wanted this weekend once I had free time, and had already priced things out, but...yeah. Missed on that.

Assuming that everyone read it right, and that all of the current pool prizes will disappear on the 3rd (despite there really having been only 2 weeks so far of them being the only items in the pool as the previous pool items were still in for a while and then there was the random error bug where people couldn't get different things for a chunk of that time, too...), this will have been a VERY short time frame for a pool to be active.

For anyone rerolling, the last "safe" day to start a streak to collect what you're aiming for would be Monday, then 27th, giving you a collection date of June 2nd. It would be risking it to try for anything later than that, in case they do completely switch out the pools on the 3rd.
In light of all this information, if you don't like your current streak prize and want to reroll, if you skip today and tomorrow, that will give you Sunday and Monday to try for something new.

I am hoping TNT will clarify what they mean by fresh prizes, as this feels so abrupt after having had 7 months+ with the last item pool. Also, if the pools will only be a month long in the future, I hope that there are no randomizer issues, or hangover old pools to be an issue.

ETA: It was confirmed that everything BUT the codestones will be cycled out. Sigh. So much for the rest of those items from this pool that I was interested in. Maybe they'll come back some day? I certainly will be refreshing until I get something I REALLY want next cycle. I expect that any high-tier items will not drop as far in price in the future, as everyone will expect that it'll be monthly rotations from now on.

ETA2: OMW the prices on some of the items were ridiculous last night but now they're stupidly ridiculous. Oh, well. Maybe when they come back into rotation. I'm not paying 25 mil for something that this time yesterday was 2 mil or less.

ETA3: Wow. The boards, discord, etc, are going bonkers. No one is happy about the abrupt change. Bleh. It will be interestaing to see how the monthly AMA goes this upcoming Wednesday...

ETA4: Someone accepted my (reasonable) offer on the Wherfy Collectable Charm (which hasn't gone through the roof inflation wise since it was only a R93 and the resellers aren't snatching them up as crazily), so that is now happily in my album. 2 of the 5 isn't terrible. Maybe they'll come back into rotation some day. If not...well, then I'm where I was before all these quest log things started, right?

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 7:58 pm 
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That seems to be a quick change, indeed. Are these just the "daily" prize pool, the "big prize" pool, or both?

For what its worth, 99% of my achieved items are rotting my SDB... Maybe I'll compile the best of them into a lot on the TP to ask for/trade for the one mug I do not yet have. I believe it actually does exist because I saw it once on the TP around 5 years ago... The seller wanted a lot more than what I had in my bank at that time. Ah well, just pixels, right?


 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 8:21 pm 
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Blue wrote:
That seems to be a quick change, indeed. Are these just the "daily" prize pool, the "big prize" pool, or both?

So many words about how this was handled...but...not much that can be done at this point. Congrats to everyone who got something awesome this month! Maybe next month will be better...maybe they'll release Thundersticks as part of the pool... :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Sorry if I'm grumpy about this. I feel like it was handled poorly, but I'm also super tired from last night and I'm sure that made me grumpier today. Life moves on.

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2024 11:56 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Pickles, you're in luck. My new prize is The Three Stamp. Also, it reset after skipping a single day, which might give you more chances for a great prize.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 5:16 pm 
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Got on after I got home and had lunch to this news:
Quest Log Prize Pool Update
Hey Neopians! Taking into account recent feedback, we have made updates to the Quest Log Prize Pool plans.
Rotations will be postponed until July 1st. On that day, everything will be swapped out except the codestones.
Moving forward, we are planning to rotate prize pools every 2 months!
In addition, please keep in mind that past items do have a chance to show up in future pools. Thank you
Wow. I honestly didn't think they'd bend on this. Stinks for the people that fought the botter/resellers and paid stupidly high prices for these items in the last couple of days. (But NGL, laughing at the botters/resellers that DID pay those stupidly high prices).

All that being said, 2 months is definitely better than 1 glitched month. It gives enough time for you to try and reroll for something you want (though with 65 items in a pool you still may not), but not so long that the pool gets stagnant. I might've suggested 3, but this will give us 6 pools a year. It will be interesting to see if they replace the neggs with other neggs. Because that's up in the air, I'm holding on to all the neggs I'm getting (the few I have from dailies so far), because prices will go up if they don't include any next round.

Siniri, you've really been lucking out with stamps! Let me know if there's anything specific you're interested in for trades for them.

I'm hoping we'll all have luck getting what we want over the next 4 weeks. I mean, my list is definitely longer than 4 items, but some are less of a priority than others. :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 5:06 pm 
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Thanks Pickles! You are awesome for being on top of these things!

This seems like great news?

Today was another extra quests day. This time I paid a little more attention, (since I wasn't in an airport).

10 quest items, as follows:
Wheel of Misfortune x2
Groom a Pet x2
Play a Game x2
Feed a Pet x1
Customize a Pet x1
Buy an item from a Shop (1 item)
Buy an item from a Shop (3 items)

Each had different rewards, with only 1 item duplicated, but for different quest tasks.

Upon claiming the reward for 5 quests I could claim the 20k. After claiming the 20k and refreshing, the weekly could be claimed. I then went ahead and claimed the remaining rewards.



 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 3:46 pm 
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I believe the extension is probably a good thing, as well as knowing the 2-month frame for going forward. We're still dealing with a glitched 1st month of it this rotation, plus old prizes still in the pool for a chunk of time, but hopefully that will not be the case going forward.

Blue, it's like double the prizes for nothing! 8) I've heard reports of people getting 3 sets of quests, too. Eesh.

I successfully collected my prize from the last week of rolls. Hoping for a good roll tomorrow (maybe a stamp I don't have?)...we'll see, I guess? Watch me get the coconut. :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:37 pm 
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Yes, the bonus quests have been good. I did manage to get the 2nd fish negg plushie 8)

This week is a Magical Potato Chia Pop. Not sure it's worth getting, but resetting throws off my schedule. :lol: Seems like a relatively non-popular item. Feels like only one of two people will want to buy it - Owner of a Chia Pop gallery, or someone that has a Chia that they desperately want to be a Potato.

Of note - today's quests were all "Cash prizes" - no items. The haul today was 44,489k including the 20k and the cost to buy an item. (i.e. I started with 100k on hand and ended with 144,489).


 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 2:46 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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That might actually be a larger proportion of people than you night think, Blue. Potatoes have become a bit of a meme, between people offering them for Halloween as a choice instead of candy (and being surprised by the number of kids who chose the potato) and it being slang for an outdated computer. Plus a semi-political reference that I won't get into.

How can I get some bonus quests? That sounds much better than my Trudy glitches.

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 3:33 pm 
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Blue, the potato chia pop was also given out during the Neopies, which is probably why it's going for less at the moment. There is, however, a third category of people who would want it - it's a gourmet food item.

Uuuuugh. I have a Wraith P/B as my weekly now. This is a decent prize, but it's on my "Take it or leave it" section of my list. Decisions, decisions...

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
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 Post subject: Re: Daily/Weekly Quests [Split 1]
PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 7:17 pm 
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I suppose it's rather moot. 99% of the time, the reward will end up in my SDB anyway... :lol:

Take it? Perhaps a sad pet in the pound would be happier as a Wraith?


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