FlareEyes wrote:
Computer freezes can be caused by a series of problems. First of all, check your computer for virii and spyware. Your OS has nothing to do with your problems. When you are done sweeping your comouter using the latest definitions avaliable, it's time to look into hardware. Your computer is very likely overheating due to the instesity the games are requiring. To fix that, you will need a better ventialition system, provided by what we call a "cooler". You will have to check with an expert about how to intall it, as you are likely to ruin your motherboard in the proccess if you don't know what you are doing. Also, Celerons have the lowest cache out of a processors, so you might want to consider an upgrade if you want to play recent games. You'd be better-off with a Pentium 3. Or, ideally, with an Athlon 2000+
Done that, no virus, no spyware. It doesnt over heat as the games I play arent all that advanced. It isnt the latest on the market. (Gunbound, stuff like that).
My computer isnt overheating, I've checked. I have a good cooler... infact I have 2, one installed and one just sitting there.