watericesage wrote:
Hum, here in Vancouver, it was hailing outside.... hailing... in the middle of April, with the sun out...
I think it stopped now, its really wierd as it stopped as suddenly as it started... The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes?
A few weeks back it was hailing here in Chicago, while the sun was shining. I hate weather like that because it usually means tornado activity--anyone from the midwest knows what I mean. A day that is just too warm and there is a certain weirdness about the light in the sky. And, the day is just too still. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, it gets cold and windy and rainy. And, sometimes hail.
I am deathly afraid of a tornado. Three hit in one weekend while I was in college in central Illinois. I was directly in the path of two of those. One hit while I was in a car. Not fun to have a tornado go over your head while you are sitting hostage in a car. Lucky it was a little one and, though it did damage (blew barns apart and those big advertising signs apart, our little car was spared. Though it sure did rock the car and made us all inside say a prayer).
The second one severely damaged my house. Though, thankfully, I was not inside at the time. My cats were. But all four of them survived (though some were "shell-shocked" by the ordeal). Note to self: Never live in central Illinois again.
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