Judges Notes: This was probably our best round so far. All your subtexts were good, and boy, it was a hard choice.
WIS---Mysteriously Enticing
So true, so true. And that is what a subtext should be. The subtext also isn’t boring, and it uses vocabulary that isn’t often used. Nice.
Mark---An Unsolved Majesty
I get the unsolved part, but majesty…I’m not so sure. I’m kind of on the fence about this one, I just don’t really get it.
Req---A Mystery Resplendant
Ooo, big word. After searching for it on dictionary.com, I understand your subtext now, and I think it is nice. Although the fact that I had to look up part of your subtext means that not everyone will be able to understand it at first glance, something that you want to be able to do.
Clucky---Shedding light on a Mystery
I really like this one. It takes the entire image of the signature, and it also puts a twist on it. That’s the best I can describe what I am trying to say, so I hope you understand what I meant.
Qanda---Mystery is Illuminated
I like it, although I think it may have been better if the ‘is’ wasn’t there, although it still works the way you have it
Loser---A Mysterious Wonder
You have described the signature in 3 words. And it sounds good too, excellent!
Kurisutaru---Illuminating A Puzzle
I think this one is good. You took the fact that no one knows for sure what Stonehenge was, and fit the light in the signature into the subtext. Good work!
Twiz---Ever changing mystery
I really don’t see how that fits the signature at all. Nothing in the signature is changing. I’m sorry Twiz, but I just don’t see it
Eliminate: Mark and Twiz.