Ammer wrote:
And thanks Trick for the little story, at least I know he's not a weird baby.
No, not weird, but probably very ahead of almost all other kids his age. My daughter was the same way. From the instant I looked into her eyes, I saw something looking back. And, I don't mean to brag, but she did everything super early. Smiled at 10 days. Began to read at 2-1/2 and write before age 3.
My suggestion is to check out a book entitled "What to Expect the First Year." It's been a best-seller for years and not only does it give great advice on how to take care of a baby, it tells you what to expect a baby to be doing at what age. The book is divided up into chapters for each month of that first year of life. And at the beginning of each chapter, it lists all of the stuff babies are doing at that age: 95% of all babies at this age are doing this, 50% of all babies at this age are doing this, and on down to 5% of all babies this age are doing this. So, you can tell if the baby is ahead, behind, or right in the middle compared to other babies the same age.
That book was my bible when I was raising my daughter. I had absolutely no idea how to raise a child and would have crumbled without that book. Perhaps it would make a good baby gift, Ammer?
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?