Matt wrote:
Anyways, I have absoultely no evidence, but two people were most suspicious of me - Qanda and o_0. o_0 is dead, and he was the dreamer. I think that Qanda may be the nightmarer, and could maybe kill anyone who dreams of one person. He's almost encouraging people of voting for one person. Still, this hasn't got any evidence. This is also a possible theory, because the two people who dreamt of me - o_0 and Twixxy, I know out of the forum and they are much more likely to target me. People do that often.
Ok, let's break down that large chunk of paragraph to see what you were really trying to say...
Both me and o_0 suspected your motives.
o_0 died.
Hence I killed o_0.
Matt wrote:
Qanda just said he agreed with everyone else, then voted for someone no-one had. I know Qanda is intelligent, and this isn't anything that he would normally do...
Vote: Qanda
Well, my private convo with Jellyfish made me quite suspicious of her. Suffice to say that she intentionally misled me. In comparison, you were not as suspicious.
About the nightmare deaths, I am highly inclined to believe that that was not a direct killing, but rather a power which would make dreamers die if they dreamt of a particular person. I had that power in my Doom Castle game too. Matt himself believes that Twizz and o_0 would have dreamt of him, and I agree, since he was under suspicion yesterday.
This leads us to one noteworthy issue: In my game, the person with the nightmare power was a baddie (coincidentally, it was Matt, not that that means anything), and activated the power on himself to prevent himself from being dreamed of and killing the dreamer, thus killing two birds with one stone. If Matt was the dreaming target, there is a high chance of him being the baddie too.
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