I've been following this, but I have found that the BBC and other news from around the world actually seems to have more news or more in-depth news than our own U.S news. They say things that other news agencies haven't said. If anyone wants to know more, they should go to BBC website or yahoo uk or something. They don't downplay the devestatation at all, they actually make it seem worse than our own news is telling us. And well, some of the pictures are more graphic, but they have different laws about what they can show I think. If you really want to get a sence of what has happened and is happening, I think it is sad that people should turn to other sources.
Anyway, there is a lot of looting going on and people being taken advantage of. There are people who don't know where the rest of their family or friends are. And sitting here in the comfort of my own home it is hard for me to really grasp it all. I've never had anything like this happen to me personally.
But even people who don't think it effects them will be effected. I heard on the radio that they are not going to run out of gas or ration gas. But there are long lines as people rush to buy it anyway, and that always effects the supply if there is a rush. I heard on the radio that there is no need to rush or wait in lines, that we are doing this to ourselves by all rushing out to buy at once. But I'll probably need to wait in those lines and rush as well because everyone else is doing that. What is sad is that a state over they gas stations can charge whatever they want to for gas and they do. I heard someone call into the radio stating that gas was 4.99. We have rules where I live and anyone being gouged is urged to call the governer or someone. Anyway, it isn't allowed for them to charge whatever they want to take advantage of people rushing in to buy gas where I live.
In the coming days I see food prices and prices of everything rising to make up for it and I don't see them going back to normal later. Once people get used to paying the high prices do you think that anyone profiting is going to lower the prices back down to pre-hurricane prices? I don't think so.
The best thing anyone can do is try rasing minium wage again. I think it is overdue for an increase. But I don't know if that even helps because people just adjust prices again to compensate and we still don't win.
Also, with all the water down there, the potential for deadly diseases, especially mosquito related ones, is great. I can tell you, the mosquitos there were probably bad before this. I know I live near the Loisianna, Arkansas border and they are pretty bad sometimes. All that water means prime breeding for them. With people having nowhere to go to the bathroom and the water is stagnat anyway, I think it is just a matter of time before people start getting sick. They need to evacuate as many people as they can. I know they have started doing this already, but it is going to take a long time. The more time it takes the worse it is going to be. More people could die from disease than from the hurricane itself.
So we are all effected by this. And I fear this isn't the end of it all.
Also, for those wondering about zoo animals or orca whales swimming in the streets. Well a SHARK has been seen.
If you don't want to read the whole thing just push control and f at the same time and write in shark in the box and hit enter and it will find the part about the shark in the article. That is scary. Hopefully it won't get hungry and decide someone's leg will make a tasty snack. It is only a three foot one but I still think it could take a bite of someone.