Judges Notes:
I was surprised on how well everyone did this round. This was a tough signature, I thought just as tough as last years blue one. Obviously not. The word ‘Purple’ was way overused. If you wanted to go in the purple direction go for it, but try to use a different word, please!
Dreaming within an azurite veil
‘Azurite’ is an excellent word to be used for this signature. It captures the colours perfectly, and the rest of the subtext captures the signature very well, excellent job.
Spellbinding Spectrum
You know, I first read this and didn’t like it, but it has grown on me. I do think it would fit well on the signature, and ‘spellbinding’ is a great word. The only problem is the length, two words is too short for this signature.
Multicolour Glow
Thank you for not using ‘purple’ and instead went for more colours. The subtext itself is kind of dull, very average. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing special. Also, it is too short for this signature, two words isn’t long enough.
Blk Mage
Lost within the Rapture
I really love this one. An excellent subtext!
From purple's deep and lucid depths
I've wandered far away
The journey wore me out until
I'd faded in to gray.
This is one of the rare occasions where a huge subtext fits, and this one fits quite well. The subtext fits well to, and it sound very nice, poetic. Good job!
Peerless Pixel Perfection
Like the alliteration here, usually not a fan of them, but I like this one. I also like how you mentioned the pixilation and kind of digital-ness of the signature. Nice.
See digital, See colours
I really don’t like this one. It’s very blunt, and all you are really doing is stating the obvious. It just doesn’t work for me, sorry.
Mislaid in the vortex
I really like this one. Your choice of words is excellent, a very good signature.
Purple Majesty
I don’t really like this one. I don’t think it fits the signature well. The signature has a soft feel, and when I think majestic, I think bold, not soft. I just don’t think it fits, sorry.
Pixelated Purple
Eh, pretty boring. It is short, and you used purple when you could have used a synonym easily. Purple has been overused this round. I do like the ‘Pixilated’ part though, that is nice.
Purple Haze
I like the ‘Haze’ part, but again, Purple has been so over used. You should have tried a synonym, lavender, violet.
A digital dream...
I like this one quite a bit. The signature is very soft, almost dreamy, but it does have the digital quality. You have summed it up very well, excellent job.
Digital Haze
I really like this one, your choice of words is very good, and I think it suites the signature well. Nice!
Only we let the purple in
I really don’t understand this. There are more colours than purple in the signature, even if purple is the most prominent. Also, it sounds wrong, just the way it is written does not seem right.
I chose to eliminate:
1. Xil
2. Jen
3. paperfacesX022