NT-based operating systems except XP do not have msconfig. I don't recommend using msconfig from another operating system in it's place either, because the settings don't point to the same place, and that can be damaging to your operating system.
To check your startup items in NT/2000, you need to have some basic knowledge of the Windows Registry. Start > Run > regedit.
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Run, you should find your startup items. The key Run- displays disabled startup items. If you want to get rid of a startup item, delete them from Run, but don't ever delete the first key (Default).
If this is too confusing, there are third party programs that let you access the startup items without knowledge of the registry. However, I think you should learn or know how to use the registry. Just make sure to back it up in case something goes wrong.
I did and it didn't do anything.
Try going into safe mode and removing those devices from the Device Manager. Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware Tab > Device Manager. If on 9x/ME based system, Start > Control Panel > System > Device Manager tab. Remove the devices that aren't working, then restart the computer to let your computer redetect them.